10: Pillow Fight

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A few weeks later, it was January 22. Aka, Rey's birthday.

"Good morning sunshine!" Ben said, waking Rey. "Goodnight" She replied, covering her face with a pillow. "Oh come on Rey. It's your birthday" he said. "Another reason to let me sleep" she replied. "Oh well." He replied. Ben grabbed the pillow. "Hey!" Rey said. Then they fought over the pillow. Ben ended up falling on top of Rey. "Oops" He said while blushing. Rey was also blushing. Then Finn burst in.


Poe came running in. "HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE EM" Poe yelled as he pointed a gun at Ben.

"Jeez. We were just having a pillow fight" Ben said "yeah right" Finn said, lifting a gun. "DONT YOU DARE KILL HIM OR ILL PUT SCARS ON YOUR FACES" Rey screamed. Poe and Finn dropped their guns and dashed out of the room, screaming like little girls

"Ugh. Finally" Ben said.

The rest of the day was eventful. Rey waited and waited for presents. It was finally time.

Rey opened each present. What Poe got her was confusing. "A, gun?" Rey said "it's for you to use every time Ren jumps on you" Poe said. Ben rolled his eyes. "Cool..." Rey replied. Then she looked at Ben.

"Your present comes later" he said. "Oh come on! Really?" She replied. "Well, just, follow me." He said. Rey smiled and followed him outside. Poe and Finn followed them. 

"Okay Rey, close your eyes" he said. "Okay!" She said as she closed her eyes tight.

Finn and Poe were watching from the bushes. "Okay. If he hurts her, kill him" Poe whispered. They prepared their guns.

"Can I open them?" She asked. "Yes now you can" he replied. "Uh, where are you?" She said opening her eyes. "Look down" he said. "Ummm Ben? What the heck are you doing?" She said blushing. 

"Rey, the first time I saw you, well, I DID want to get the map from you, but I also kinda fell in love with you." He started. "Jeez Ben you don't need to finish, I know what your doing" she giggled. "Okay, Okay. Well, will you marry me?" He said. 

Then Finn and Poe jumped from their hiding spot.

"KILL HIM!!!!" Poe screamed. "WAIT YOUR RUINING IT POE DAMERON" Rey yelled. Poe rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's obvious she's gonna say no" Poe said. Finn nodded.

"Yes I'll marry you!" Rey said to Ben. Ben got up and they kissed.

"WAIT WHAT!!!!????" Finn screamed. "LEIA!!!!!" Poe screamed. "HELP US!!!" Finn and Poe screamed at the same time.

Leia appeared out of nowhere. "YOUR BUSTED REN" Poe yelled. "What's going on?" Leia asked. 

"Me and Ben are gonna get married!!!" Rey squealed "married?" Leia replied. "HA HA! YES! SHES GONNA DISAPPROVE" Poe screamed in joy

"MY BABY IS GETTING MARRIED?!" Leia said while her face lit up" Poe's jaw dropped. Finn fainted.

Rey nodded joyfully. "YIPPE!!!" Leia screamed. Rey, Ben, And leia all hugged. "Finn! Our lives our ruined!" Poe said helping Finn up of the ground.

"Happy birthday Rey" Ben said. "Thanks!" She said before kissing him. 

Hi guys! I hope you all like this!


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