2: Honest

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(Pretend that Phasma didn't die)

Hours later, they were on a different first order ship. Rey didn't smile much. "Make sure she's ready by 6:00" Kylo said. Then he left the room.

"Hello. I'm phasma" the woman said. "My name is Captain Phasma. For now I'm going to make sure your ready for ren's announcement later." She added. "Okay" Rey said as Phasma placed a small pile of dresses on a chair. "First, you need to get clean. Please go take a bath." Phasma said kindly. Rey smiled and nodded.

A few minutes later, Rey was done. She dried her hair. "Alright. Here, try this on." Phasma said, handing Rey a dress. Rey quickly changed.

Reys dress

Reys dress

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"Does it feel okay?" Phasma asked. "It's fine" Rey replied. Phasma did Rey's hair. She put it the way it was when Rey got there. Half up half down. "Alright! It's almost 6:00. It's time to go" Phasma said. Rey followed Phasma to where Ben was. "She's ready sir." Phasma said. "Thank you" Ben said. "Your beautiful Rey" Ben said while smiling. "Thanks." Rey said shyly. 

Later on, they were ready for the announcement. "Everyone, I have good news and bad news." Ben said. "The bad news, snoke was killed. The good news, I now have an apprentice." He added. "This is Rey of jakku." He started. "Or, as we used to know her, The last Jedi. But no more. She is now a Sith." He said. Rey wasn't entirely happy, but she knew this was the only way to save her friends. 

Everyone cheered as Rey quietly sighed. Ben didn't notice.

Later on, they had dinner. Rey didn't smile at all. "What's wrong?" Ben asked. "Nothing, Just-" Rey started. "Your friends?" Ben interrupted. "Yes. I just hope they took in the information alright." She sighed. "Can I please contact them? Please Ben?" She pleaded. Ben sighed loudly. "Fine. But only five minutes." He said. "Thank you so much Ben!" She said as she went to contact the resistance.

 She knew the code to the resistance's secret com line. "Hello? This is Rey. Is anyone there?" She said into the com. There was no response. 

"Hello?? This is Rey" she repeated. "Hi? This is Rose from the Resistance. Are you an old member of the Resistance?" A girl said. "Yes, I'm looking fo Finn?" Rey said. "Okay, let me get him on the line." The girl replied. "Hi. This is Finn how can I help you?" Finn said. "Finn! It's me, Rey!" Rey said. 

"Rey?! But you joined the First Order!" He said. Rey sighed. "I know, I just wanted to know if-" she started. "If I was okay? Rey are you kidding? I'm not! I feel completely betrayed right now! How could you do this to me, to Leia?" He said. 

"IM SORRY THAT I HELPED YOU. I DID THIS TO SAVE YOU AND THE RESISTANCE." Rey shouted. Ben heard everything. He was listening in to make sure Rey wasn't saying anything she wasn't supposed to. 

"IM SORRY THAT I EVER SAVED YOU" Rey shouted. Finn tried to say something, but she cut the call before he even say a word. 

Ben knew that Rey was hurt. Not physically, mentally hurt. Rey sobbed. Ben walked in and hugged her. "It's okay. You have me Rey." Ben said as Rey sobbed in his chest.

Hey guys! How's it going? I hope your enjoying the story so far!

Thanks for reading!


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