15: Years Later

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(Just a warning, this book is almost over. There isn't much more to write in this.)

A few years later, Hannah was 15, about to turn 16. 

Hannah trained with her parents and a few other kids. She was learning how to use the force, which she found exciting.

"I can't wait for when I'm 16!" Hannah said to her friend Charlotte. "I know!" Charlotte replied. "You've been talking about it for months!" Charlotte replied. 

"My mom says that she and dad have a special present for me! I wonder what it is." Hannah said.

"Hannah! Come downstairs!" Rey said. "Okay mother!" Hannah replied.

"You ready for your present?" Ben asked. "Yeah!" Hannah replied joyfully. "Okay! Here." Rey said, handing Hannah a small box. "What's this?" Hannah asked. "Open it and see." Ben replied.

Hannah removed the lid of the box, and there were two small pieces of something.

 "Huh?" Hannah said, confused. "It's a map" Rey replied.

 "What for? Are we going somewhere?" Hannah said. Rey nodded. "We are going to Ach-To. That's where the real present is" Rey said.

 Hannah was confused. "Come on! Let's go!" Rey said.

When they got to Ach-To, Hannah was amazed.

 "Wow! This place is amazing!" Hannah said. "Believe me. If you think this is amazing, wait till we land." Rey replied.

When they landed. Hannah jumped off the ship and almost hit a porg. 

"Opps!" She said. "Sorry little guy" Hannah said to the porg. The porg just stared at her.

Hannah followed Rey and Ben up a large staircase.

 "How much longer do we have to wait?" Hannah said. Ben laughed. "Don't worry Hannah. We'll be there soon." Rey replied.

Hi guys! 

So, the next chapter is probably going to be the last chapter :(

Plz make sure to vote and comment if you haven't already! Thanks!


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