7: Just Go

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Rey couldn't take it anymore. She hated the fact that she connected with Ben. But part of her wanted it, wanted him.

Every part of her died as she sunk into her bed. She wanted to see him again. At least hear his voice.

Then it happened.

Next to her, was Ben. "Ummmmm, uhhhh, Ben?" She said, poking him. He turned to face her. 

"Your in my bed." She said. He blushed. "Great. Again?" He complained.

Rey felt the force connection end. She turned away from him. But little did she know, Ben wasn't gone. The force put him there.

Rey woke up and yawned. She looked next to her. Ben was still there, but they weren't connected by the force.

Then she realized, it wasn't a connection, he was actually there.

She froze solid. If he was still there, did that mean she'd slept with him? That would cause ten years worth of problems.

She was busy thinking, when Finn burst in the room.

"OH MY GOSH!" Finn screamed when he saw Ben in Rey's bed. "KYLO REN IS HERE!" Finn yelled.

"KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!" Poe yelled as he ran into the room.

"WOAH GUYS STOP" Rey said. Ben woke up. "MY GOSH HUX. IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He screamed, thinking he was on a first order ship. 

He looked around scared. "Wait... can they see me?" He asked. 

"WE CAN HEAR YOU TO" Poe yelled. "Oh, my, gosh." Ben said. "Did I?" Ben added. But Rey interrupted him. "Hehe..." she said sheepishly.

The rest of the day wasn't very exciting. All everyone did was yell at Ben. Leia had gone out on a trip to get some tools.

The Resistance locked Ben up the second they saw him.

Hi guys! I decided to give you guys another chapter today! I hope you all liked it!


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