
51 0 65

Part 1


"What the fuck are you doing?!"

I turned towards the yelling to see Cory hitting Carlos with his lacrosse stick. Carlos shielded his face as Cory bent over him. I ran towards them and pushed Cory off. Carlos was bleeding in ten different places and was still shielding himself. I walked over to Cory who was now on the ground.

"What the fuck, Cory?" I shot at him. All the other boys were now crowding around, the coach was nowhere to be found. I walked away from him and helped Carlos up, his face was covered in shame. His eyes did not mean mine. He walked away towards the school to clean up. Cory, on the other hand, had no shame and bounced right up ready to continue the practice.

"What happened?" Joaquin asked, his face covered in concern.

"None of your business." Cory shot back at him. He picked up his stick and walked back to the line for the drills. All of us exchanged looks and followed him back.

As soon as the clock hit 5:30 I ran to the locker room to check on Carlos, if he was still there. As soon I entered the school, I could hear music blaring through the halls. That must be him. I walked to the dressing room and the music got longer. I walked to the workout room that was in the dressing room and saw Carlos lifting weights.

"What happened out there?" I asked him. I walked over to the bench beside him and sat down. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. He continued to lift the weights in silence. I got up and went to turn the music off. As soon as I did, he groaned and put the weights down.

"It doesn't matter, Miles! You need to stop getting in everyone's business."

I rolled my eyes at him and sat back down.

"Something happened out there. And if I am not checking on you, I still need to know because that was so fucking dumb and immature, also if coach finds out he is going to be pissed." I walked over to him, so I was towering over him. He looked up at me with wide eyes and sighed.

"I slept with his girlfriend and he found out before practice." Carlos said then looked away from me. I widened my eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"You guys need to deal with that off the field, I swear if coach finds out I'm going to hurt you both." I tried to remain serious, but it was hard.

"Yeah, whatever Miles." He said and rolled his eyes at me.

"You know how coach takes everything out on me. I am not kidding." I turned to walk away and when I entered the locker area the rest of the team had already entered. I walked to my locker and started getting my bag out. I felt a hand on my back and my whole body shivered. I turned to see my best friend Arson looking at me with big brown eyes.

"Are you going to Kelsey's tonight?" He asked and removed his hand from my back causing more shivers to pulse throughout my body.

"Oh, umm, that is tonight?" I asked unsure of whether to go or not.

"Yeah, come over and we can go from my house." His curly brown hair fell on his face, I wanted to move it out of the way.

"Okay, can I shower there?" I asked, not wanting to use the public showers in the locker room. He nodded and walked away to his locker. I pulled off my gear and stayed in my sweaty workout clothes. I picked up my bag and walked out of the locker room.

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