Chapter 18

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A/N, once again this is smutty. sorry not sorry lolz. but if you are uncomfortable with it, you can skip over it. you won't miss any plot. just stop reading about a quarter of the way down:)


I roll over half awake expecting to roll into Emily and instead I wake up to an empty bed. I sit up groggily and yawn. The spot next to me is still faintly warm and as I wake up more I can smell coffee. I throw my legs over the side of the bed and look at the mess of the room. I laugh a little to myself as I think back on the events of last night with a content sigh. I stand up and look around the room for some clothes to put on.

I find my underwear scattered around the mess and pull them on gingerly. I'm pleasantly sore from last night and groan a little. I roam around her room looking for a shirt to throw on and decide on a faded tee in the back of her closet. I leave the warmth of her bedroom and pad out to the main room. Emily is at the stove cooking and I can spot coffee brewing on the counter. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Morning love," I say.

"Hi Lil," She replies as she turns around to face me, placing a quick kiss on my lips before turning back around to finish cooking. She adds another pancake to the plate by the stove and spoons some more batter into the hot pan. I remove my hands from her waist and hop up onto the counter next to her. I swing my legs back and forth gently as I watch her cook. Her beautiful face is pulled into a concentrated look that I've become accustomed to in my time at the BAU. I smile to myself and she looks up from the pan to glance at me.

I stretch my hands above my head and yawn tiredly. My, well Emily's shirt, rides up and exposes my thighs. She licks her lips a bit and then smirks at me, moving over to stand in front of me. She places her hands on my knees and opens my legs up so she can stand in between them. Her hands slide up until the grip my waist and she pulls me forward until I'm on the edge of the counter top. Emily kisses me soundly on the lips and then trails her hands up my ribs.

"You may have been in control last night," She murmurs in my ear. "But I assure you, love, that won't be happening again. I am the one in control." I shiver and nod my head. I can feel wetness pooling in my underwear at her words. She nibbles my earlobe as her hands slide back down my sides and rest on the tops of my thighs. I keen a little at her featherlight touch and find myself itching for more direct contact.

I pull Emily back in for another kiss and feel one of her hands slide down in between my thighs. I pull her closer to me in the hopes that she'll give me what I want and in response she pulls away.

"Uh uh," Emily says with a smirk as she glances at me. "What did I just say Lilith?" She traces her finger along my underwear and lightly circles over my clothed clit. I whine a little and inch forward to get some more pressure. As soon as I move forward she removes her hand. She quirks her eyebrows at me, "Breakfast is burning." I groan and rest my head against the cabinet above me.

"You're evil, you know that," I say, glaring at her. She laughs a little and takes the burnt pancake of off the pan. I hop off of the counter and set about her kitchen trying to find plates and mugs. I finally find them and  grab two settings. I set the plates down next to her and fill two mugs with coffee. I head to her massive fridge and rummage around for creamer, coming up empty. She spins around to look at me.

"Looking for creamer?" She asks and I nod. "Behind the condiments on the second shelf." I look where she told me to and find it. I smile triumphantly to myself and add lots of creamer to Emily's cup. I add a splash to mine and then go over to the island to sit. 

A few minutes later, Em sets a plate of pancakes down in front of me and I hum happily and thank her. I pass her coffee to her and she looks at me inquisitively. 

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