Chapter 12

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The drive to the jet is rushed and we get there in record time. We quickly board the plane and I wait for Prentiss to sit down before I take a seat as far away from her as possible. I don't know what happened over the weekend to turn her back against me so quickly. I lean back into the comfortable seat and try to push the thought of her away. Reid and JJ come over to me and sit, JJ on my left and Spence across from me. I can tell they know something is wrong with me but they just let me sit in silence. JJ puts her arm around me and I lean into her shoulder. My hands rest on the table as I pick my nails. Reid covers my hands with his large one and stops me from destroying my newly painted nails. He squeezes my hands as we take off and I glance around the jet. I lock eyes with Prentiss from across the jet and quickly look away as I feel the tears prick my eyes. I lean further into JJ's shoulder and close my eyes. I feel myself drift off to dreamland.


I am jolted awake when the jet hits the tarmac in Missouri. I had the same dream I had weeks ago. Except now I know for sure who it's about. I glance over at Prentiss as I stand up and find her staring at me again. I break eye contact and busy myself with grabbing my bag. JJ along with everyone else are already off the plane. Prentiss and I are the only ones left. I try to brush by her quickly but she grabs my wrist.

"Lil...," She starts to say. I look down at my wrist in her hand and then raise my eyebrows at her.

"Oh, I'm back to Lil now? Is that it? I won't be jerked around by you Emily," I say and yank my wrist out of her hand before walking down the steps off the jet. I get into the car and take the seat in the way back with JJ. I need to be as far away from Emily as possible right now. Between her and the odd note on my car, I'm so stressed. We head straight to the station and get divided up into our small teams there.

"Rossi head to the ME office, Morgan head to dump site number one, Reid and I will go to the abduction site of Layla. JJ, I want you here to talk to the parents. Prentiss and Porter go to Kara's abduction site," Hotch says. I clench my fist behind my back. Just what I need right now, to be stuck with Emily. I don't think I'm in the right mindset to drive right now so I swiftly get into the passenger side of the car. We start the semi-long drive to the mall where Kara was taken in silence. I stare straight forward and out of the side of my vision I can see her glance and me and open her mouth before closing it again. I can tell she wants to say something but she keeps stopping herself. After what seems like eternity we finally arrive at the site. I reach over to unlock the door but she locks it before I can. I try to undo it but I can't. She fucking child-locked it. I glare at her.

"What the fuck Emily," I say to her coldly.

"Please Lilith, I want to explain," She says to me, almost begging as she grabs my arm.

"Fine, explain. You have two minutes to make me understand why you're being a bitch to me," I reply expectantly. I turn slightly to face her. She does the same and we both stare at her hand on my arm. If it was any other circumstance I wouldn't mind her hand on my arm but after her attitude I'm sick of it. She senses my mood toward her hand and removes it with a sigh. I make a point of checking my watch.

"Lil, I need more than two minutes to explain, it's a long story. Can we talk tonight?" She says before continuing on, "Please?" I reluctantly nod yes and she sighs in relief. She unlocks the car and we hop out to canvas the site.

"Okay, we know it was dark when the unsub abducted Kara," I say scanning the parking lot. I spot something on the top of one of the floodlights. I nudge Emily to show her what I found and she understands what I'm trying to show. I dial Garcia's number and put her on speaker.

"Hello my love, what can your genie do for you this fine day?" She says.

"Garcia can you hack into the mall parking lot security system? I think out unsub took her right in front of a camera," I say to her.

"Of course I can, I'll get the footage and send it to the station," Penelope says and hangs up.

"We better head back, Lil. We need that tape," Emily says and I nod. We drive back to the station in silence but it's less tense. It feels much shorter now that I know I'm getting an explanation to her bitchy attitude. We rush into the station, wanting to tell the rest of the team our news. By the time we get into the conference room, the team is already gathered around the table working on the profile.

"Guys we got something," I say and as if on que Garcia pops up on the laptop.

"Hello my fine furry friends, Lil is correct. She found a security camera pointed right at where Kara was abducted," Garcia says. "I've uploaded the footage to your tablets for your viewing pleasure. Toodles." We check out the footage and get a license plate number of the SUV used. We still decide to deliver a profile to the police department while Garcia looks up the plate number.

"Our unsub is a white male in his late twenties to early thirties, since both girls are so similar we believe they serve as a surrogate for a woman who hurt him. He fits aspects of the anger excitation profile, however since he doesn't assault his victims, he doesn't completely match it," Hotch says.

"We were able to get the unsub's license plate off of the security camera in the mall parking lot, so we will hopefully have his location and name soon," Rossi says. We head back into the conference room to look over the evidence again when Garcia calls us back.

"Okay the car is registered to a one Brian Lewis, he lives about 5 miles from here on a big piece of land. He is recently divorced and.... ah.... his ex looks like both Layla and Kara," Penelope says. "That's all I have for you lovelies right now, hit me back if you need me! Garcia out." Hotch leaves to tell the officers what we know and then we all suit up. We quickly rush to the cars and make our way to the unsub's property and hopefully Kara.

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