Chapter 10

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My alarm goes off far too early for my liking but per usual I get out of bed with minimal complaint even though I slept like shit. I have a feeling the lack of sleep is due to my recent roomie during the case. All I want is for this day to be over and the weekend to start. I decide that since we aren't getting called in for a case today, I'm going to wear a skirt. I pull out my black pencil skirt and a red sleeveless blouse. I dress myself and then stand in front of my mirror to check myself out. The skirt ends maybe a few inches above my knee and I tuck my shirt into the hem of my skirt. I throw on a cream sweater and then do some light makeup. I put on my black heels and then I grab my purse and phone to text Spence: <Are we carpooling?> A few moments later I get a response, <Yes :P> I smile and head down to the front of my building. As soon as I get down, I see Spencer and hop into his car. The ride to work feels shorter when we carpool. I'm so glad that Reid and I became fast friends because I honestly don't know what I would do without him.


The bullpen is silent except for the occasional comment about a case. We all want to get this paperwork done before we have another case and the pile grows. I check the clock on the wall and sigh, we all still have another hour until our lunch break. The minutes feel like hours and my stomach grumbles loudly. I feel something tap my leg as I'm scribbling down information and look up from the file. Emily holds up a protein bar with a smile on her face. She tosses it lightly onto my desk and I mouth a silent thanks. I check the clock again and cheer inwardly, 30 minutes until lunch. I open up the bar and start to munch on it when my phone buzzes in my lap. It's from Penelope in our BAU BADDIES group chat, <Girls night tonight? A little wine and takeout perhaps?> I laugh silently to myself. She says girls night even though Reid is in our group text. I type back my reply, <Yes! Sounds like just what I need! My place at 7?>. Penelope and JJ text back yes, but I know it will be awhile before Reid gets on his ancient phone to check. Okay so it's not "ancient" but it's old. We text back and forth for a bit more just to solidify the plans. I look at the clock again and it's lunch. We all stand up and head to the break room. I think I see Emily check me out and I glance at the floor to hide the flush that creeps into my cheeks. The days that Reid and I carpool are another one of my favorites because he brings me lunch. I take my usual seat at the table and Spence heads to the fridge to grab our food. He places as Tupperware in front of me and I'm excited to eat. Everyone digs in to their meals and I open the lid of mine. It's my favorite, mac and cheese. Spencer makes a mean mac and cheese I have to say. The whole team spends the lunch break talking, teasing and just having fun. It's been a while since we had a day like that. Then, just like that, our break is over and we head back to the bullpen. We all sigh, four more hours and then we get to go home.


The sun is barely starting to dip down when we get off work at five. Spence decides just to stay and help me get my apartment people ready. We clean everything and I spend Spencer to the store for some wine and some hard seltzers. It's around 6:30, when I go to change into my clothes. I throw on a shorter skirt instead of my work appropriate one. I darken my eyes up a little bit and put some gloss on. I decide to curl my hair last minute in some light waves and finish as the door opens. I head out to my living room to help Spencer with the alcohol. I forgot to ask him to buy popcorn but I completely spaced and forgot. I open the bag and lo and behold, he bought popcorn. Thank god for Spencer Reid. I check my microwave clock and it's 7 o'clock on the dot. They texted me that they were on their way so I leave the door unlocked for them. I get out the wine glasses and put the seltzers in the fridge to chill when I hear the door open. Penelope walks in, dressed in her typical funky outfits. She gives me a big hug and hands me a small box.

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