Chapter 14

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I've been sitting like that for what seems like hours contemplating my feelings for Emily when JJ opens the door. She looks around before finding me on the floor. She sits next to me on the floor.

"You okay, Lil?" She asks me.

"I don't know," I respond honestly. And I honestly don't. JJ understands what I mean and wraps her arms around me. I collapse into her, still thinking of Emily, and we stay like that until the rest of the team comes out.

"Lilith," Morgan says and I look up at him from JJ's arms. "Prentiss is awake and she's asking for you." I nod and extract myself from her arms so I can stand up.

"We'll be in the waiting room when your done Lil," JJ says. They leave me and I walk into her room. Her bed is propped up so that she's sitting up. I close the door behind me softly.

"Hey," She says weakly. I go over and sit on the chair next to her bed.

"Hi," I reply sheepishly. She turns slightly to face me and winces. "I don't think that's good for your stiches," I say and I get off the chair and sit on the bed by her waist.

"Is that..." She glances at my clothes and my face. I never got a change or wash my face. She looks up and I see her blink furiously. I grab her hand.

"Em, hey, you're okay now, don't worry," I say to her, rubbing calming circles on the top of her hand.

"It's not that, Lil. I got shot and the doctor said a few inches to the side and I would've...," She trails off. "And I... didn't get to explain myself to you," She says sadly.

"It's okay, really. You don't need to explain yourself, especially not now," I reply with a small smile. She starts to take a deep breath but then stops and winces in pain.

"No, Lilith I need to," She looks at me and I nod, reluctantly, in agreement. "After I left your place I went to visit my mom. She isn't very... accepting of me or as she likes to say 'what I am'. Every time I see her, she makes me dislike who I am and question myself. I didn't want that to leak onto you so I stayed away for the weekend. Yesterday was rough for me because of her and I took it out on you. I've been taking it out on you the whole time you've been in the BAU," She looks at me nervously and I stare back in confusion until it starts to click.

"So, your saying that your mom is the reason you were a bitch to me?" I her incredulously. She nods and I continue on, "But why...?" She looks at me and then glances at our hands.

"Lil...," Emily says and I think I get it. "I was a bitch to you because it was the only way I knew how to hide how I felt about you. It killed me to act that way to you everyday, Lilith. But I knew my mom was always present and I didn't want you to be tainted by her. I...," Her voice breaks, "I couldn't handle you going through the same thing. Then we got roomed together on the last case and I decided it was enough. I'm so sorry, Lilith. From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry." Emily starts to softly cry and covers her face with her hands. I pull her hands away from her face and cup her cheeks in my hands. I use my thumbs to wipe the tears away.

"Emily, I forgive you, honestly. My parents are like that too, I never came out to them because I knew it wouldn't go well and they wouldn't accept me. I feel the same, Em. I've just realized that I, well, I have feelings for you too," I say to her. She smiles at me and even in the hospital she looks beautiful.

"Kiss me," Emily says. I gently lean in and kiss her. It's as passionate as it can be with Emily in her condition. I break away and rest my forehead against hers.

"Finally," I say to her and she lets out a small laugh. "I don't think we should tell the team just yet, Em. Hotch might not approve of this and I want a few weeks of peace with you first."

"I agree Lil," She says. "Plus it's more fun to sneak around." She winks at me and I blush. "Stay with me? I know they said they were going to the waiting room but I'm sure they are just going to back to the hotel. Hotch said we won't leave for a day or so, that way we can leave when I get released," Emily says scooting over as much as she can.

"Of course," I reply. I lay next to her and she rests her head on my shoulder. I start to say something when I hear soft snores cut me off. I sigh happily and lean my head on top of hers, falling asleep quickly.


The next two days I alternate between staying at the hotel and staying with Emily. I've been trying my best to go see Emily a normal friendly amount even though I know I don't want to leave her. Ever since our admittance to each other, things have been great. We spend our time together talking and when we don't talk, we just sit in the comfortable silence. Being with her in the hospital has further confirmed my feelings for her and now they are undeniable. It's the second day Emily has been in the hospital and we were promised a check in with the doctor today. I've been pacing around her room for the last hour. She is able to move around better now that she's a little more healed and she is staring at me from her bed.

"Lil," She says but I ignore her and keep pacing. "Lilith." I look over at her. "Love, stop pacing and come sit. I'm sure the doctor will be in soon." I reluctantly stop and take a seat on the bed next to her. Then the door opens and the doctor steps in.

"Okay Ms. Prentiss, you are ready to be discharged. I have some forms for you to sign and then you are good to go. If you have a car, Ms. Porter, I'd suggest bringing it to the front for ease. Her wound is healing nicely and she should be back to normal in five to six days. She's cleared for flight too," The doctor says and then hands Emily a clipboard with a stack of papers. He nods at us and then leaves. I send a text to the team to come pick us up at the hospital so we can leave Missouri and head back to DC. About fifteen minutes later, Emily and I are outside of the hospital waiting for the team to pick us up. She is sitting in a wheelchair, nervously wringing her hands. I reach down and cover her hands with mine.

"What's wrong Em," I ask.

"Nothing really, just anxious to get home," She says.

"I've been thinking, why don't you stay with me while you heal up? I really don't want you home alone all the time while you are healing in case you need something," I say to her.

"Are you sure Lil? I don't want to be a bother," She replies looking up at me.

"Trust me, you could never be a bother," I say giving her hand a squeeze.

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