Chapter 17

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A/N: Just a fair warning, the part below the divider (about midway through) is fairly sexually graphic so if you are uncomfortable with that you are free to skip ahead. You will not miss any plot :)


I park in my usual spot at headquarters and Emily and I hurry inside the building. Penelope and Hotch were already in the conference room when we arrive. I pace nervously around the room while Emily takes her normal seat. She sits down with a whimper and it reenters my mind that she's still hurt. I shoot her a look that hopefully conveys how sorry I am. She smiles at me and I take that as an acceptance. JJ and Rossi get here next and take a seat, silently. A few moments later Reid gets here and finally a couple minutes later, Morgan arrives.

"I'm so sorry to have called you guys here with so little information, but I think that I, along with all of you, could possibly be in danger. JJ and Hotch know about the note left on my car before the Missouri case, but I didn't think too much of it until now," I say, pulling the note out of my purse. I hand it JJ so she can pass it around. They all look at me with a mixture of worry and confusion. I continue on, "About an hour ago Emily and I got to my place." Morgan raises his eyebrows at me suggestively and I glare at him, "Not like that, Derek. I'm watching her while she heals. Anyway, something felt off and so we searched my apartment. That's when Emily found this." I show them my phone. My phone gets passed around and when it reaches Garcia she uploads the picture onto her system. Now the mixture of worry and confusion has turned into just worry.

"Lilith, what's going on?" JJ says. I take a deep breath and begin my story.

"Okay, all of you know that before I worked here, I was in the sex trafficking department. About 6 months before I came to the BAU, we had a particularly bad case in New Mexico. It was a high profile ring that we were closing in on and the leader, Julius Grey, would refer to only me as kitten even before we got his name. The things he would do to these girls before selling them to the highest bidder were unimaginable. I would cry in my hotel room every night for the 2 months were were in San Jose. He would assault them into submission and then brand them, once on the front and once on the back, so the buyers knew the source if they wanted another girl. Most did end up buying another and another. That's what made it so tough. Anyway, by the time we got someone to blab and catch up to Julius, he had been taunting us but particularly me for the majority of the time we were there. Once we caught him, he vowed that if he ever got out of prison, he'd come for his kitten," I say, finishing my long winded rant with a shudder. I continue on, "I've been trying to keep tabs on him in prison but it's been hard lately with our recent cases." Penelope looks at me for a second and then types furiously. She gasps and then projects something onto the screen. Prison records. I stand up suddenly and scoot back from the table. I feel sick.

"It seems that there was a recent breakout yesterday in the early hours of the morning and several prisoners escaped including one Julius Grey," Garcia says. I start to hyperventilate and then my vision goes black. I feel myself fall and I don't try to stop it.


I open my eyes with a groan and I am met with the harsh fluorescent lights of the conference room. I feel a large hand help me sit up and then gently lifts me into a chair. I start to feel a bit less groggy and rub at my temples trying to clear the fog.

"How long was I out for," I ask looking around the room. I assume Morgan helped me up as Hotch, Rossi and Spence are on the other side of the round table.

"About a minute, maybe less, doll," Morgan says. I nod. Thankfully, I'm starting to feel better and look up to see Emily hand me a bottle of water. I offer her a small smile and sip at the water. I slowly but surely feel better and lean back in my seat. Emily hovers behind me nervously and JJ sits next to me holding my hand. I look at the team apologetically and they all try to give me their best 'its all going to be okay' face. Hotch is the first one to speak.

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