Chapter 19

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A/N: Hi shawties, if you're once again uncomfy with smut/ explicit things, stop reading once they get to the hotel! You won't miss any plot or important details:)

We stroll into the office and immediately increase the distance between ourselves as we enter the conference room. Everyone, except Morgan and Garcia, are already there and seated. I take my usual seat next to Reid as Emily seats herself on the other side of the table next to Rossi. Hotch nods to us from by the board as we get settled and finally after a few moments, Morgan walks in looking a little flushed. I raise my eyebrows at him a little and he laughs.

"You wish, sugar," Morgan says to me with a wink as he sits beside me. "I was running when I got the call, thought I might as well just jog here from the park." I roll my eyes at him and playfully shove his side. I look up and catch Em smirking at the table as she tries not to laugh. I'm about to ask Reid a question when Garcia walks in looking upset. 

"Garcia, you can go ahead and present," Hotch says to her. She nods and opens up her tablet.

"Okay my lovelies. This is a horrific one. Last night in Memphis, Tennessee, the body of 22 year old Craig Hart was found in an abandoned warehouse," She puts up a picture. The body is charred and disfigured. PG shudders and continues on, "As you can see, he was burned. And from preliminary reports, he was burned alive. The same thing happened two weeks ago to 28 year old Delilah Forrest and again, last weekend to 35 year old Michael Hearth. All are varying genders and races with no obvious connection between the three of them." She throws up more pictures and the crimes scenes are gruesome. 

"This is urgent, so Garcia you're coming too," Hotch says. "Wheels up in 30." We all nod and grab our stuff before heading to the car. We quickly climb in and then Hotch drives us down to the tarmac. We all settle in to our usual seats on the jet and begin the long flight to Memphis. 

"Okay guys just rest on the flight, we are full work mode when we touch down," Hotch says and we all nod agreements. I can tell the whole team is relieved that he is giving us this time to recharge before we deal with this case. Reid brings out his chess set with a classic Spencer smile on his face. JJ laughs lightly as she pulls out her computer.

"One game Spence," I say, grinning at him from across the table. "And then I'm sleeping. I didn't sleep very well last night." I slyly glance at Emily from my seat. She is engrossed in a conversation with Morgan and I find myself staring. God, she really is beautiful. It's almost as if she can feel me staring and she looks over at me. Her eyes light up and I find myself blushing. She bites her lip and I immediately flash back to the previous night. I know it's not the time or the place to be thinking about things like that but god damn the things Emily does to me. 

"Hello?" Spence says. "Earth to Lilith?" I'm startled out of my reverie and blush even worse than before. 

"What's going on with you?" JJ asks from next to me. I almost forgot she was next to me she was so silent. She gets into a zone when she gets focused on a case and it's kind of scary sometimes. 

"Uh...," I stammer trying not to spill the beans on me and Emily just yet. "Nothing, I guess. Just tired." I try not to cringe at my bad lies especially to two profilers. JJ and Spencer look at each other and then they both go back to their respective things. I'm kind of shocked. But I decide to roll with it and just move my chess piece along the board. 

An hour or so later, Spencer and I have almost finished our game. We are locked in a stalemate. For once Spencer is stuck on what to do. It's a weird power trip for me. I laugh a little as he bites his lip in concentration. He runs a hand through his shaggy hair in frustration as he decides to just move a pawn. 

"Checkmate," I say with an obnoxious grin as I trap his king. "Nice one Spence." 

"How'd you do it?" He asks inquisitively. I laugh and kick him lightly under the table. 

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