Chapter 13

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The drive to the unsub's house is brief and we get there fast, mostly because of Hotch driving. We pull into his long driveway with the sirens on. We have the large farmhouse surrounded with cops and their cars. We see the curtains flutter open and see Brian in the window with a gun to Kara's temple. Hotch orders the techie on hand to hack into his phone so we can communicate with him. Hotch opens the line and starts a call. We see him move to grab the phone.

"Hello Mr. Lewis, my name is SSA Hotchner with the FBI and we would all really appreciate it if you let Kara go," Hotch says to him.

"If you want Kara back, send in some agents to get her. I'm not coming out there," the unsub says. Hotch nods to Rossi and Morgan, when the unsub speaks again, "Not them, Agent, I want those two," He motions to me and Emily, "They're just my type." Hotch starts to say no but I stop him.

"It's fine Hotch, we'll be right back," I say. Emily and I walk up the stairs to the house and then shit hit the fan. Brian opens the door and moves the gun so it's pointed at us.

"Shut the door, vests off, guns on the ground," He says. Neither of us move. "Do it or I blow her brains out." Kara whimpers and we do as he says while maintaining eye contact. "You," He points to me, "Take the girl and bring her outside." He licks his lips and looks Emily up and down, "She stays." He tosses Kara to me and I take her. She wraps her arms around me and I support her as we walk outside. JJ is waiting at the bottom of the stairs to grab her when a shot rings out. We freeze and then a second one goes off.

"Emily," I say and rush back into the house. Everyone is screaming for me to stop but I don't listen. I see the unsub lying on the floor with a bullet in his head and then I see her, "Oh my god, Em. Please be alive, please be alive," I say. I kneel next to her and try to find the source of bleeding. She has a hole in the side of her stomach. I pull her into my lap and cradle her head as I apply pressure to her wound. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles at me weakly.

"Hey, Lil," She says with a cough.

"Hey, shhhh, don't talk it's okay. Save your strength," I say to her. "Medic! Please! I need a medic in here!" The team comes into the room and sees me holding her, "Please get a medic." My breath hitches and I feel a slick hand touch my face. I look down at her and as her hand rests on my face I can tell it's covered in blood.

"Don't cry, Lil. I'm gonna be fine," Emily says to me. I didn't even realize I was crying until her thumb wipe a tear away. I look up at the team.

"Don't just stand there!" I shout. "Get a fucking medic!" I rip off a strip of my shirt and use it to apply more pressure while Rossi leaves to get a medic. The EMTs come in with a stretcher and take Emily away. I stand up and my shirt and pants are covered in her blood. The team looks at me in half confusion. They know me and Emily used to be... enemies? I don't think that's quite the right word but I guess it will do.

"Lilith...," Hotch starts to say. I know what he's trying to say. But it isn't like that. At least I don't think it is.

"Hotch, we are friends now. She was there for me during the last case and we made up. I would react the same for any of you," I say and rush past them. "Are we going to meet her at the hospital or not?"


We are all sitting in the waiting room while she's in surgery. I'm alternating between anxiously sitting and anxiously pacing around the small room. I pick at my nails and twist the ring Penelope got me while I wait for news. It's been hours and we all just sit there. Every time I see someone walk by I think it's the doctor coming with news. I've been pacing around for the last few minutes when I finally sit down. I shake my leg up and down and put my face in my hands. Of course she had to go and get shot right as we become friends and become well... whatever we are. JJ hands me a cup of coffee and takes a seat next to me. She grabs my hand and puts her arm around me. I lean into her shoulder and take a shuddery breath, trying not to cry again. I know deep down my feelings for Emily are more than platonic but I don't want the team to know that yet. I feel my eyes start to close when I hear footsteps enter the room. I open my eyes and perk up. I see a tall man in surgical scrubs standing in the room looking down at a chart.

"Okay is this the family of Emily Prentiss?" He asks looking up and seeing all six of us. We all nod. "I'm Doctor George, Emily's surgeon. We were able to stabilize her in surgery. She lost a lot of blood but the bullet was a through and through and didn't hit anything vital. She should be able to have visitors right now if she's awake. If she's still asleep you guys can still sit in there with her. The nurses will bring you whatever you need and since you're FBI, we put her in a private room," Dr. George says. He motions for us to follow him and he leads us to a private room down the hall. He opens the door for us and then shuts it behind us. It's dim in the room but not dark and Emily is lying on the bed hooked up to monitors and an oxygen mask. Her eyes are closed and the heart monitor beeps steadily. I hover by the door and feel my breathing start to accelerate. I can't handle seeing her like this. I quietly open the door and slip out of the room before anyone can see me. I shut the door behind me softly and lean against the wall next to the door, before sliding down the wall. I put my head between my knees and try to control the feelings that threaten to overtake me.

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