Chapter 22

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A/N: Hey guys, just a quick trigger warning, there is some implications of SA and other related things such as trafficking  so if you are uncomfortable with that, you can skip down to the end and I will put a small chapter summary at the end so you don't miss any plot. Also more POV shifts in this chapter so I'll mark those out for you guys again:)

Emily's POV

"Woah woah woah, Em, slow down," Garcia says. The phone in my hand is shaking and my breaths are coming out in short gasps. "You don't know that for sure."

"Garcia, trust me, she wouldn't have just left the apartment without telling me," My voice grows quiet and I swallow down the lump in my throat. "She wouldn't have left me, Pen, she just wouldn't." I feel myself start to cry.

"Aw Em," Garcia says on the other line. "You love her don't you?" I wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"No it's not like that Garcia, we're just close friends," I say, my voice cracking. "You've gotta find her Penelope please."

"I know Em, we'll get her back, promise," She replies. The tears continue to roll down my cheeks.

"Is there any security footage you can find? My building has cameras," I silently plead to whoever's up there that Garcia can access the system faster than normal.

"Let me check," I hear her typing away furiously and then all of the sudden she gasps. "Em, I think you better come into work, the team will want to see this too." My stomach plummets to the floor and my chest starts to get tight.

"See you then," I say, ending the call and grabbing my keys. I head out of my apartment and don't even bother with the evaluator and instead take the stairs. I run down them and slam the door open when I reach the bottom. I rush through my lobby and into the parking garage. I quickly get into my car and speed out of the structure, barely even checking my surroundings as I head down the street and onto the highway. 

Lilith's POV

My eyes feel heavy and my head is pounding as I slowly come to my senses. I feel groggy and disoriented from whatever they used to knock me out. The room I'm in is dingy and the only light source is a window high up on the wall. By the soft, bluish light filtering through I can only assume it's evening.

I groan as I force my eyes to open further so I can investigate my surroundings as much as possible. Thankfully I'm not gagged but my wrists are chained above my head to a pipe and my toes just barely scrape the ground. Luckily my feet aren't bound but my shoes and socks are gone as well as my jeans. Emily's long shirt just barely makes it onto my thighs giving me no sense of decency, which I assume must be Julius' point.

My cheek starts to sting as my body becomes more aware of what's going on and I can only infer that I've got a nasty cut. I glimpse down and see that my legs are caked in dirt and grime. My breath hitches a little as I start to think about why my pants are off and my legs are dirty. I push the thought from my mind and try and work out a way to escape.

Nothing in this room seems climbable so I don't that getting to the window is an option. I think I can see a sliver of light from under a door in the far corner but I can't be sure. I start to hear shuffling and noises and immediately go limp in my chains. My head lolls against my chest as I pretend to be out still. The noises get closer and I can start to make out voices. So far I don't hear Julius. The voices get closer until they are right in front of me.

"Look at this one," The first voice says. He sounds like he has a cold. "I can see why boss man is so obsessed with her. She's a beauty." I try not to visibly cringe.

"Too bad she likes pussy," The second replies. His voice is gruff and sends a chill up my spine that I struggle to suppress.

"I bet I could change that," The sick one says. "A little roughing her up before he sees her wouldn't hurt anyone." I feel his hand trace a line up my thigh to fiddle with the hem of my shirt. I can't hold it back any longer and I kick him square in the stomach with both feet. He grunts as he stumbles back a bit. The other guy reaches for me but my momentum from the kick swings me backwards out of his grip.

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