Chapter 5

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A few weeks have passed, and thankfully they have been uneventful, aside from a few cases during this time. Although I have noticed that Prentiss has been a tad nicer to me. I mean, she's not "nice" per say but she's not as rude to me. After we got back from the McHenry case, I asked JJ to talk to her about the message but apparently Prentiss never heard it. I think that's bullshit based on her attitude towards me lately. Over the past month and a half, I've noticed her looking at me more and there has been more... accidental... touches, like when she hands out files or we walk past each other in the halls. I don't know how to explain it really except that its confusing as fuck. Even JJ is confused and she's known Prentiss for a long time. We are milling around the bullpen doing paperwork and trying to run out the clock when Hotch appears on the balcony.

"Alright guys, conference room now," He says. We all sigh. We were so close to being able to go home. We swiftly head into the conference room where Hotch is already waiting for us. He nods to Penelope and she presents the case.

"Hello mon amis, today we have a particular gruesome case. Over the last two weeks, a body of a young girl has been found every Friday. The girls, Sage Young and Katerina Baldwin, were found in the local parks of sunny LA and the girls were found strangled with some sort of wire," Garcia says shuddering. She projects the crime scene photos onto the board. I inhale sharply at the sight.

"Ligature marks on the wrists and ankles, as well as bruising indicates that they were bound and possibly beaten," Prentiss says.

"That is correct, mon chere, the ME report concludes that on top of strangulation being cause of death, the girls were bound, starved, and badly beaten," Garcia says before continuing on, "It seems that the girls have been going missing on Monday and then turning up on Fridays."

"Our unsub seems to take the weekends off, but seeing how Katerina is in far worse condition than Sage was, we can assume he could start to devolve off of his schedule soon," I say, pushing away the memories that are threatening to resurface.

"You, my lovely, are correct. Eleanor DePaul, was reported missing last Friday, the same day a couple of joggers found Ms. Baldwin, and it is now Tuesday, so we can guess that if we don't find her soon, than she'll be the next victim," Garcia says sadly. We all nod, sensing the urgency. A devolving unsub is never good.

"Okay guys wheels up in thirty," Hotch says and we all exit the room, "Garcia you're coming too, we need all the help we can get."


Once we are up in the air, everyone is going over the case. We are desperate to find Eleanor alive. No one is talking about anything that's not case related. We rarely get like this about a case, but this was is urgent. It is really saying something is Penelope comes along. That's how you really know that Hotch is stressed. It's about a five and half hour flight and by the fourth hour we are all beat.

"Guys, I know we are all working really hard right now, but you guys should try and get some rest. We'll head down to the station first thing in the morning. But I can't have my best agents being sleep deprived for this, so when we get to the hotel please don't keep looking over the files. You can do that in the morning, okay?" Hotch says to us. We all put the files down relieved. By the time we would get into LA anyway it would be close to one in the morning. We all pack the files away and start to relax in our seats. We all know that this case is going to be a big one so we are grateful for what little rest time we get. We start to quietly chat but I decide I want to take a power nap before we land to take my mind off of things. I've tried so hard on the plane ride to push down the past but it keeps threatening to resurface. I lean my head against the wall and quickly fall asleep.

Heavy breathing, soft lips, pale skin.

I wake up suddenly and inhale sharply. God damnit. Why can't these dreams leave me alone. I look around me to gather my thoughts and then check my watch. It's been about an hour so we should be starting our descent. As if she read my thoughts, Prentiss speaks to me.

"Good, Porter you're awake. We're descending," She says to me. I nod thanks and gather my bag together. I feel the wheels hit the tarmac and I am thankful for my nap and respite from the memories. We get into the Suburbans that are waiting for us and head to hotel.


When we finally arrive at the hotel, Hotch speaks to us. We groan, just wanting to get to our rooms.

"Now, I normally let you guys room with whoever, but because Penelope is here I've done assignments. Derek and Reid you guys are together," they nod and head to their rooms, "Rossi you're with me. Penelope I've put you with JJ for this case." My eyes widen in shock. You're fucking kidding me. JJ looks over at me and smirks. What the fuck? Is she up to this? I am internally screaming all the swear words I know at her. I have to share a room with someone who hates me. Great.

"And that leaves Prentiss with Lil," He finishes. I sigh and adjust my bag on my shoulder. The girls and I head into the elevator up to our floor. I subtly elbow JJ in the side and shoot her a dirty look. She jabs me back. We head to our rooms which are next door to each other and say our goodnights and give hugs. We get into the room and the first thing I notice is the lack of two bed. For fucks sake.

"Do you want the bed? I can take the couch," Prentiss says to me.

"No it's fine you take the bed. I'm shorter than you so I'd be more comfortable on the couch," I say. Prentiss agrees and I go into the bathroom to change. I put on my shorts and a lace camisole before removing my makeup and brushing my teeth. I head back out into the main area and look for Prentiss. I find her standing with her back to me. She's putting on a tank top and her back is bare. I suck in a small breath which turns into a cough.

"Oh hey, sorry I didn't see you there," She says. "Are you done in the bathroom?" I nod yes.

"Can I steal a pillow? I don't trust the look of the ones on the couch," I say. She tosses me one off of the bed. She walks in to the bathroom and shuts the door. I head over to the phone and call down to ask for another set of sheets. The concierge tells me they will be right up with them. I go and sit on the couch and try not to fall asleep while I wait for my sheets. I didn't realize how small and lumpy the couch is until I sit down on it and I'm now very much regretting my decision to give up the bed. I hear a knock at the door and answer it. Thank god it's my sheets. I thank the girl who brought them and tip her a couple dollars before shutting the door. I finish setting up my bed as Prentiss exits the bathroom. We both settle into our beds and she turns off the light. I spend a few minutes tossing and turning on the small, lumpy couch trying to get comfortable before giving up. I lie flat on my back and sigh. Memories of my past are threatening to make an appearance. I rub my forehead with my hand in an attempt to make them stay away.

"Porter, just get in the bed with me. It's big enough for both of us and I know you're uncomfortable," she says to me from across the room. As much as I don't want to share the bed with her, I know I need to get some sleep.

"Okay, are you sure Prentiss?" I ask her.

"Yes, I'm sure. Seriously," she responds. I sigh again and grab my pillow and blanket to head over to the bed. I get under the covers and lay my head against the pillow. I'm starting to fall asleep when I hear Prentiss say something to me. I just barely make it out before I succumb to sleep.

"Goodnight Lilith," she whispers and I let the dreams take me.

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