Chapter 23

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Author's note// Again more POV shifts:) enjoy shawties

Lilith's POV

I drift in and out of sleep. My rest is fitful and my head throbs. My shoulder joints twinge uncomfortably from hanging and there's an ache in my stomach that tells me its been a while since I've eaten. My nose is throbbing and my mouth is dry from breathing through it with no water. While I'm awake, Julius' words roll around in my head. He's trying to pawn me off to some sicko. My stomach heaves but there's nothing there for me to throw up so I just dry heave. I pray to every god up there that my team finds me soon. I wish more than anything that I was back in Emily's apartment safe and sound. My head throbs from the mental effort of trying to stay awake and I let myself drift off back into my restless sleep. I'm unable to fall fully asleep and because of this I'm able to pick up snatches of conversation from Julius' men.

"How much do you think boss man is gonna get for her?" A nasally voice asks.

"I dunno now that she's all busted up," A British man replies and they both laugh. Relative silence ensues once again. All I can hear is some shuffling and a faint drip from somewhere in the room. It could be hours later or it could be minutes later, I don't know to be honest, when someone speaks again.

"Look at the legs on this one," A gruff voice says. I hear footsteps approach me and I remain "asleep".

"You can look but don't touch, McClain," A guy with a New York accent replies. "Didn't you see what happened to Grimes and Shaw?"

"Yeah yeah, Henderson," McClain replies. "Fuck off. I'll do what I want." He moves closer to me when I hear a third voice join in and I can't suppress my shudder of disgust. 

"Did you not see what I did to the last people who touched my kitten, McClain? Or are you just that fucking stupid that you would test me?" Julius asks. 

"Uh, sorry sir," He responds. "I was joking around is all."

"Get out of my sight," Julius says with false kindness. "Or I'll fucking gut you." 

"Yes sir," McClain says, his voice shaking. I can hear them both retreat.

"Now now, kitten," Julius says. "It's not polite to eavesdrop." He grips my face in his hand and I'm forced to open my eyes. I can't hold back the whimper that escapes my throat as he jostles my sore and beaten body. 

"Why are you doing this to me?" I ask, my voice scratchy and raw from lack of water. 

"Ahh," Julius hums. "It's because you ruined my life, Lilith." I flinch a little at the use of my given name. It's scarier than him calling me kitten. He grins at me, "Do you know what jail is like? It is not a good time. I lost so much fucking money and business because of you! I lost valuable clients!" He's yelling now and I can't move away from his face. Spit droplets hit me.

"You got what you deserved Julius," I reply, gathering my courage. "You should be rotting in jail." He smirks at me and then without warning slaps me hard across my face. I taste blood in my mouth and spit it onto the concrete floor by his polished shoes. 

"Feisty today, aren't we kitten?" He smirks at me. "It's time for you to go to sleep." I feel a sharp prick in my side and look down to see the needle poking into my thigh. I barely have enough time to roll my eyes before my eyes drift shut and I fall back into a dreamless "slumber".

Emily's POV

"Fucking christ!" I shout, slamming my fist down on the round table. "It's been over twenty four hours and still no sign of her."

"Okay Emily, honey, you need to calm down," JJ says calmly, laying a hand on mine. "We'll find her. We've cracked tougher cases than this."

"This isn't a case, Jennifer!" I nearly shout, my anger leaching into my voice. "This is Lilith! This is our friend! And she's been kidnapped and taken to god knows fucking where with that sicko! And I'm..." I trail off. My voice cracks as I continue, "I'm sitting her doing nothing while she's... she's being tortured." I put my head into my hands to cover up the flow of tears that is starting. Someone lays a comforting hand on my back and I look up to see Spence rubbing my back in soothing circles. I smile weakly up at him. 

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