Chapter 3

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We stay at the station until the early hours of the morning before Hotch urges us to go back to the hotel and get some rest. We all head back in the cars to the hotel and JJ and I head to our room after saying our goodnights.

"So, what's the deal with Emily?" JJ says to me once we get into the elevator. I shrug.

"I don't know Jayje. I have literally zero clue as to why she's suddenly being a tad bit nicer to me. I'm genuinely confused as fuck," I respond. We reach our room and she opens the door. We quickly change into our pajamas and flop onto our beds before almost immediately falling asleep.


I wake up the next morning groggy and not well rested. It was another night filled with similar dreams as the night before. I internally cringe and smack my palm against my forehead before the alarm JJ and I set rings. We both get out of bed groaning and start getting ready for the day. I throw on some khaki dress pants with a white blouse and JJ puts on white slacks with a navy sweater. We head down to the lobby to get our first coffee of the day and to meet up with the rest of the team. We swiftly leave the hotel and head back to the station to continue the case. We are sitting in the conference room in front of the evidence boards when we get a call from Garcia back at HQ.

"Hello my lovelies, I have found something that seems a bit suspicious. Okay so the, now, deceased Mr. Fair, had a storage unit down in the city and according to their visitors logs, he had been there quite recently over the last several days. Now, I cross checked the photos we have of Emmy with photos on the storage units website, and the interiors look hauntingly similar."

"Okay what's the address? We need to get there ASAP if we want to get Emmy," I say.

"One step ahead of you doll, the address was just sent to your tablets," She replies.

"Alright thank you babygirl," Morgan says and hangs up the phone. We all rush to the cars as fast as we can, not wanting to waste anymore time.


We arrive at Fair's storage unit and Morgan kicks down the door. There, on the small bed, is Emmy tied up. She starts to move around and JJ rushes forward to get her. Reid and JJ untie her and help get her into an ambulance that will take her to the hospital. Raleigh PD has arranged for her parents to meet her in the ambulance bay.

"Alright team lets head back to the hotel. I've arranged our flight back to DC tomorrow to be late morning so you guys can celebrate tonight and sleep in tomorrow," Hotch says to us. We all are secretly so relieved. I don't think any of us wanted to get back late and then have to drive home. Plus we get to dress up and drink overpriced cocktails at the bar. I love getting drunk with my teammates, especially Morgan and Rossi. They just get so flirty and funny. We get back into our Suburbans and head back to our hotel. JJ and I head up into our room to get ready and I am so thankful right about now that I brought a fancy dress just in case. I spice up my makeup to a more evening look and shimmy out of my work clothes. I walk over to my bag in just my thong and bra to grab my dress. I pick up the black, satiny material and put it on.

"Hey Jayje, can you zip me up?" I ask. She walks over to me and zips up the back of my dress. I turn around, "Soooo, how do I look?" I do a little twirl. JJ nods approvingly.

"You look HOT Lil! Everyone at the bar is going to be drooling over you!" She says. I walk over to the mirror in the bathroom to check myself out. I am very glad I brought this particular number, a low cut black mini dress with spaghetti straps and a slit up the thigh that accentuates my curves. I do look hot. I reapply some lip gloss and then pop it into my clutch along with my cell. I walk out of the bathroom and look over at JJ.

"God damn Jayje, you look hot as hellll!" She really does. The dark blue skintight dress she has on makes her blonde hair and blue eyes pop. We link arms and head down to the lobby to meet the team. We get into the elevator when I realize I forgot my clutch back in the room.

"Fuck, JJ I forgot my purse. You go ahead I'll meet you guys at the bar yeah?" JJ nods and I get out of the elevator. I scurry back to my room and grab my clutch before getting back to the elevator. I head down to the lobby and then walk into the adjacent bar/ restaurant. I spot the team at the bar and head over there. Everyone's eyes are on me and Morgan whistles. I notice Prentiss is trying her hardest not too stare at me. What is her deal lately? I take a seat in between Hotch and Reid and order the strongest thing on the menu.


A few hours have passed and JJ, Morgan, Reid, Prentiss and I are the only ones left at the bar. Everyone but Prentiss and Reid are very drunk.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna head up to bed. I'll see you all bright and early!" Prentiss says to everyone but me. I sigh. As soon as she leaves I have an idea, albeit a very dumb, alcohol induced one.

"Okay, I'm so fucking done with her bullshit. I'm gonna call her and ask her what her deal is!" I say and pull out my phone. I have her number dialed when Reid grabs my wrist and shakes his head. I flick his wrist and click dial.

"Hello, you've reached the voicemail box of Emily Prentiss. I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you. Thank you, goodbye." I hear the beep and start to speak.

"Hello Emily! Oh wait," I laugh, "I can't call you that! Hello Prentiss! I can't believe it's taken me almost two years to stand up to your bullshit. Why do you treat me differently than every other member of our team? I've done nothing, NOTHING, to you since I've been at the BAU! I bring you food and coffee and give you nice gifts, I am such a good friend to you and I get nothing in return. So you know what? I'm done. I'm done trying to be your friend and I'm done being nice. So don't expect anything from me again. You hear that?! I'm done! D-O-N-E! Toodles!!" I finish and catch my breath. Morgan, Reid and JJ look at me stunned. I look down at them then back at my phone then back again.

"Fuck," I say.

"Yeah doll, not your finest moment," Morgan responds.

"How do you unsend a message?" I ask them cringing.

"You can't," says Reid matter of factly. I hit my palm against my forehead, cursing internally. I start to stand to leave and Reid stops me.

"Reid stop. I have to go apologize and pray she hasn't heard it yet," I shrug him off and head back to the lobby. I get to our floor and go to Prentiss' door. I knock a few times. I stand there for about half a minute before deciding to just leave. I'm starting to walk away when I hear her door open. I turn around and see her in the door way.

"Hey," she says rubbing her eyes, "What's up?" I suck in a small breath. She's dressed in some shorts and a lace camisole top. I keep my eyes on her face.

"Um, so, I might have called you. And I might have left a message. And I'm, uh, just wondering if you've heard it yet or not, but I'm hoping you haven't," I say, stuttering. "But if you have heard it, I'm sorry, Em- Prentiss." I start to wring my hands. She stays silent and I turn around to head back to my room. I hear a small whisper just as I reach my door but before I can turn around to ask her what she said, her door shuts. My brain is still scrambled from the alcohol I consumed, but I think she might have said, "I'm sorry".

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