Chapter 15

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The team finally rolls up and I help Emily get into the car. She's still a little shaky on her feet and she grips my forearm tightly. Rossi is in the drivers seat, thank god, so we won't be thrown around by Hotch, but Emily still slightly grimaces with every turn we take. I know she's trying to hide her discomfort but we're all profilers and we know she is in pain. We finally arrive at the tarmac and start to head up the jet stairs. I see Emily lingering at the bottom of the steps. I walk down to where she is.

"You okay?" I ask concerned.

"Just out of breath," She responds. I grab her arm and help her up the small staircase. I lead her to a seat near the back where Reid and JJ are already sitting around the table. She squeezes my arm in silent thanks as I lower her into the seat. I grab her painkillers from her go bag and give her one. She shakes her head in refusal.

"Lilith no, I told the doctor I didn't want them," She says in a low voice.

"I know but you're hurting. Just take one for the plane. Please? For me?" I say. She stares at me for a second before nodding. I drop the pill into her hand and leave to go get a cup of water from up front for her. I fill up a paper cup and hand it to her. She swallows the pill down with the water and within minutes she visibly relaxes. I give her hand a quick squeeze before pulling out my case files. I am so glad I brought some papers with me so I can have a relaxing night. It's about 4:30 when we finally take off and we are all so exhausted from our short trip. Emily dozes off after about ten minutes and her head rests on my shoulder. JJ and Reid look at me and raise their eyebrows. I blush and shake my head, mouthing the word later at them. They laugh lightly and then go back to their work. Spence is, of course, reading a humongous physics book and JJ is on her computer. I flip through my paperwork, signing things occasionally. I try not to move too much so as to not disturb Emily's sleep. She makes a small noise and nuzzles her head further into my shoulder. I smile to myself and decide that this paperwork is going to have to wait. My lack of sleep from the last several days is catching up to me and I rest my head on top of hers and allow myself to drift off.


I wake up around an hour later when I feel my pillow move away from my shoulder. I open my eyes groggily and wipe the sleep away before stretching my arms.

"Hey guys," I say with a yawn.

"Hey sleepyhead," JJ says with a smirk. Spence laughs while still having his nose in his book. I blush once again and look down at my lap.

"Lil?" Emily asks, "Can you help me? I need to use the restroom and change my bandage."

"Of course," I say and stand up to help her. She stands up slowly and makes a face. I know that even with the painkiller, she's still feeling it a bit and trying to hide it, albeit badly. Hell, we all do. We're a group of profilers for gods sakes. I grab the extra bandages from her go bag and the anti-bacterial gel as well. She grabs on to my arm and we slowly make our way to the bathroom. I flash back to the last time we were in the bathroom together and smile. This time I'm the one helping her instead of the other way around. I open the door for her and then motion for her to get inside. I start to shut the door and she looks at me confused.

"I need help Lil and that means you have to come inside the room with me," She says with a small smirk. I blush and look at my feet before following her into the bathroom. She sits down to use the toilet and I turn to face the door. I don't think we are at the 'watching each other use the loo' stage yet. I hear the loud flush of the airplane toilet and I can finally turn around to face her. I pick the bandages up off the counter and then watch her, mesmerized, as she lift her shirt up to expose her wound. I shake my head to clear my NSFW thoughts and wash my hands. I kneel down so that I am eye level with her wound. I remove her old bandage and use an antiseptic wipe to clean her stiches and she squeezes my shoulder tightly. I murmur an apology as I toss the wipe away.  I inspect her wound for a second for signs of infection and can tell that it's healing fast. I use a q-tip to apply some of the gel to her injury. I rebandage it and my hands linger on her waist. I stand up and wash my hands again in the small sink. I feel hands on my waist and I spin around quickly in her grip.

"Yes?" I say teasingly. She pulls me in for a kiss and I immediately kiss her back. My hands reach up to grab her face and pull her closer to me before I remember her side and I pull away.

"What?" She asks. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all Em," I say giving her a quick kiss. "As much as I want to make out with you right now, I'm worried about your side."

"Don't care," She says. "Those meds are dulling the pain and you bandaging me up was hot."

"Are you su-" She cuts me off by kissing me again. This time I go with it and grab her face, pulling her close to me. She pushes me against the counter and I jump lightly up so I'm sitting on the counter. Emily maneuvers in between my legs as I swipe her lower lip with my tongue, asking for entrance. She opens her mouth and our tongues fight for dominance. I disengage our mouths and trail kisses down her jaw to her neck. I suck on a spot by her ear and illicit a soft moan from her. I feel her hands trail upwards from my waist to my stomach. I shiver at her touch and move my lips back to her mouth. Our tongues once again wrestle and I stifle a moan as her hands ghost over my breasts. She pulls back a hair to whisper something against my lips.

"You like that don't you?" She says quietly and I nod quickly, feeling myself get wet. Emily starts to unbutton my shirt and pulls it halfway off my torso. She palms my breasts through my bra before moving her lips down to my neck. She sucks on a spot close to my pulse point as she massages my breasts and I moan, this time without stifling it. I decide to take action and pull away for a second. I take the rest of my shirt off and toss it onto the floor of the bathroom as she watches me hungrily. I reach behind me to take my bra off but stop halfway, hesitating. She raises her eyebrows at me and bites her lip as she stares at me. I feel the familiar clench in the pit of my stomach and that's all the push I need to remove my bra. I unclip it and it falls to the ground next to my shirt. She eyes my exposed chest with a groan and I pull her back to me, initiating a new kiss. My chest brushes against her shirt and I feel my nipples harden. She senses my arousal and starts to once again massage my now exposed breasts. I moan into her lips as she starts to trace my nipples with her fingertips. She gently pinches and pulls at them before she detaches her lips from mine to move down to my neck. She trails kisses down my throat before she reaches my chest. She attaches her lips to my right nipple as she sucks and flicks at the hardened bud. I can feel my wetness increasing as she uses her tongue on me. My neglected left breast is soon occupied by her other hand. She switches from my right to my left and I grip the counter in one hand and cup the back of her head with the other. She deftly switches positions between my legs so that her thigh rests against my heat. Her work on my chest has left me craving friction and I start to rub against her. I feel her smirk against me as she pulls away and I whine at the loss of contact.

"Later," She says, still smirking. I sigh and get redressed. I make sure to check my neck and chest for hickeys and spot a few light ones. I turn my neck to the side slightly and spot a rather large one.

"Emily!" I say, feigning anger. She just cocks her eyebrow at me. I shake my head and do my best to cover it up with my hair until I can grab my cardigan from my bag. We both do our best to fix our appearances and then we exit the bathroom. We were in there too long.

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