Chapter 20

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The alarm blares loudly startling me from my sleep and I feel Emily roll over to shut it off before nuzzling back against me. I turn over in her arms and blearily open my eyes to look at her. There's a mark across her face from the pillow and I gently trace my finger along it. She smiles sleepily as her eyes open and she kisses the tip of my nose before hopping out of bed to get ready. 

I watch her as she heads to the bathroom with a small smile on my face. It's crazy to me that just a few months ago I couldn't stand the thought of being around her, let alone sharing a room with her and now I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing. I don't even realize that I'm still mindlessly staring at the bathroom door until she reenters the room wrapped in a fluffy towel.

"What's up love," She says to me as she scrunches her hair. I sit up and stretch in the bed. 

"Oh just thinking about how crazy this all is," I reply and she cocks her head in a confused manner. "I just mean it's crazy that two months ago we couldn't even look at each other and just last night you fucked me into oblivion." She stares at me for second before bursting into laughter. I can't help but join her as her infectious laughter fills our small hotel room. I shakily rise from our bed and my face twinges a little at the ache between my thighs. Emily smirks at me from across the room before grabbing her clothes for the day from her bag. I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower before going back into the bedroom to get ready. 

About forty five minutes later we head down to the lobby to meet the rest of the team and realize we're the last ones to get there. Hotch stares at us with a stern and almost knowing look on his face and I try to keep my face neutral. I open my mouth to speak but Emily gets to it before me. 

"Sorry we're late Hotch, my alarm never went off," Emily apologizes. He gives us a terse nod and I internally cringe at the bad excuse she gave as we head out to the car. I can feel JJ and Spence shooting me weird looks as I get into the way back of the Suburban but I purposely keep my head down. Emily follows me into the way back as does JJ. Spence, Garcia and Morgan get into the middle row while Rossi and Hotch take the driver and passenger seat respectively. 

I'm dreading going back to the station because I'm going to have to deal with that slimy cop. It's almost as if Emily can read my because she subtly links her pinky with mine. I sigh quietly at the small contact and immediately feel comforted. 

The ride to the station is short and I steel myself to deal with Officer Hobbs. We quickly pile out of the sleek car and head into the station. The first thing we do is grab some of the shitty police station coffee and try and wake up. We can all sense that we have a long day ahead of us and we need all the caffeine we can get. The team heads into the conference room that has been set up for us. I keep my head down the entire short walk to the room and as soon as I walk through the door, Hotch pulls me aside. 

"Porter, I was going to let you know that I'm going into a meeting with Chief Leigh to discuss the altercation yesterday," He says to me with a small look of concern on his face. 

"I was actually thinking I could that myself, Sir," I reply to him. 

"Are you sure Lilith?" Hotch responds. I nod and he sighs. "Alright, but I'm coming with you to make sure everything goes smoothly." I let out a small laugh but relent and the two of us walk over to the Chief's office. I knock tentatively on the door and then push it open. Chief Leigh is a portly man with greying hair, a receding hairline and a large mustache. He stands upon seeing us and shakes Hotch's hand. Leigh gives me a strange look before shaking my hand for just a second too long. Hotch and I exchange a glance before I speak. The Chief sits back down in his seat and Hotch and I take that as our cue to sit as well.

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