Chapter 11

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I wake up in the morning with small headache and I find myself tangled up in Emily's arms. I see she's still asleep and I take a moment to admire her. I carefully trace her face with the tip of my finger. She starts to stir and I stop. Her eyes flutter open and she tilts her head to look at me. I'm feeling bold this morning and I continue to trace her face with my finger. She shivers at my touch and pulls me closer. The tension between us is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I don't remember who leaned in first but before I can even blink again we are kissing. I trace her bottom lip with my tongue asking for access and she opens her mouth. Our tongues dance as we kiss and I move so I'm on top of her straddling her. My hands are in her hair and she moves her hands down to hold my waist. I break the kiss and  dip my head down to kiss her neck. I suck on a spot just below her neck and she lets out a soft sigh before pulling my face back up to her lips. We keep kissing for a few more minutes before she pulls away.

"As much as I would like to stay, my mother is expecting me for the weekend," Emily says. "Thank you for having me last night." She kisses me again and leaves the apartment. I sigh and flop onto my back. I am very very confused, but one thing is for sure my feelings for Emily have gone from zero to one hundred very fast.


The weekend went by so fast and before I know it, it's Monday morning and my alarm is blaring. I get out of bed and rub the sleep from my eyes before turning my alarm off. I get out of bed and refill my go bag for the week with new clothes and underwear, thinking of Emily for the millionth time since Friday. I quickly dress in some comfier work clothes as I have a gut feeling that we're going to have a case today. I say a silent prayer to whatever is up there that the case, if we have one, is simple. I put on my nice flats and then grab a sweater before I check my texts. I don't see one from Reid so I'm going to assume we aren't carpooling. I sigh and grab my car keys before heading down to the garage. As I make the short walk from the elevator to my car, I notice something on my windshield. I pick it up and put it in my car before I read it. The handwriting is messy and rushed. It reads: 'Watch your back'. I place it on the passenger side and grab my gun from my purse as I look around the small garage. I leave my gun on my lap the whole way to work.


When I walk into work, I don't say hi to anyone like usual. I go straight to my desk and get to work, needing the distraction. JJ walks up to me, sensing something is wrong.

"Lil, what's wrong?" She asks me. Damn profilers.

"Nothing," I say, dismissively.

"Tell me," JJ says sternly and I know I have to or else she'll be pissed.

"I got a weird note on my car this morning," I tell her reluctantly. I glance at Emily and she's is staring down at her work. She hasn't even acknowledged me this morning.

"Lil! What'd it say?!" She says worriedly.

"It said watch your back," I reply and take the note out to show her. She grabs it and inspects it.

"Lilith go tell Hotch," She says and I sigh in annoyance. "I'm dead serious, you can never be too careful in our line of work, Lil, and if you don't tell him I will." I know she's right and I begrudgingly walk up the stairs to Hotch's office. I knock on the door.

"Come in," He says. I walk in nervously.

"Hi sir, I think I have a problem. JJ thought it would be best to tell you," I say. I know I'm avoiding saying it head on and so does Hotch.

"What is it Lilith, are you okay?" He asks. He may not show it all the time, but Hotch cares about the team a lot. I unfold the note and hand it to him so he can read it while I talk.

"Well, yes and no. I found this on my car this morning. I don't know who it's from or what it's about. I really didn't think too much of it until JJ suggested I tell you and by suggest I mean she made me," I say to him. He looks up at me worried as he hands me back the note.

"I'm glad you told me. Luckily for you, we have a case so we won't be in town for a few days. Hopefully this was a one time thing and by the time we get back this will blow over," He says. "Go tell the rest of them to meet in the conference room in five." I nod and leave his room. I head to my desk grab and grab my stuff.

"Conference room in five guys," I say. Everyone nods and starts to head, slowly, in the direction of the conference room. I hang back for a second to talk to Emily. She's been avoiding me all weekend and I'm confused.

"Hey, Em. Is everything okay?" I ask softly. She looks up at me from her desk.

"Fine, Porter," She says sharply. She used my last name for the first time since the last case and I feel my eyes start to prick.

"Okay sorry, Prentiss," I say making sure to enunciate the use of her last name. Two can play at whatever game she's playing with me. I quickly walk to the conference room and sit as far away from her as possible.

"Garcia, present please," Hotch says. Garcia grabs the clicker and starts to present the case.

"Okay my pretties, two days ago the body of twenty year old Layla Burns was in the alley behind a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. She had been missing for 2 days before her body was found," She projects a picture of Layla's body onto the screen. "The ME reports that Layla had ligature marks as well as a multitude of stab wounds. ME also found traces of the date rape drug in her system, but surprisingly no evidence of sexual assault. COD was determined to be blunt force trauma to the head. She was dead the second the unsub hit her."

"So unsub drugs her, kidnaps her, beats her and then finishes it off my stabbing her. What doesn't make sense to me are the ligature marks and the stab wounds. She's dead as soon as she gets the blow to the head, so why is she bound and stabbed?" Morgan asks. He continues on, "Why so much overkill. What's the purpose?"

"He definitely has rage issues," I say.

"Yes, and I just received a word this morning as I was gathering materials for the presentation that nineteen year old Kara Moore was abducted last night outside of a local mall. She was with some friends and decided to leave early," Penelope says. She projects some pictures of both Layla and Kara. They are both tan with dark hair and eyes.

"They are surrogates for someone in the unsub's life for sure," JJ says.

"We have less than two days before Kara turns up so wheels up in 30," Hotch says. We grab our bags and head to the jet.

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