Chapter 7

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We speed down the highway, not wanting to waste any time. Hotch is driving the car and we all hold on for dear life. I'm sitting in the middle seat and I am terrified because I have nothing to hold on to. He can drive kind of scary when he is in a rush. He speeds around a turn and I slide into Prentiss before we level out. I hastily scoot back into my normal seat.

"Okay ETA is 5 minutes," Hotch says. "Prentiss and Porter take the front, Morgan and I will take the back, and JJ, Rossi and Reid go in on the sides. I want this bastard surrounded." We nod and start to unbuckle our seatbelts as we get closer. Prentiss and I brush hands as we go to unbuckle at the same time. Again I shiver. Hotch slams the breaks and I have to time to think as we rush out of the car. We put our comms in and I make sure my vest is secured. I then make sure to unbutton my holster and take out my gun. I motion for Prentiss to follow me up to the door.

"Thomas Johnson?" I call out. "This is Agent Porter with the FBI, we have some questions for you." Just then we hear a scream get cut off. We look at each other and I nod my head.

"Hotch, did you hear that," Prentiss says over the comms.

"Yes I did, Prentiss," He replies.

"Permission to enter sir?" I ask.

"Yes enter on three okay? One, two, three!" He says.

Prentiss kicks down the door and then we head in. We hear the side door and back door go down as well. I hear frantic running and then the slamming of a door. We look at each other and start to scan the house for the door. I finally spot it, a small door under the stairs leading to the basement. I jiggle the handle and its locked. I motion everyone over to me and then Morgan kicks the door down. I take point and head down the steep stairs. It leads us to a large room, covered in dried and fresh blood. Thomas is in there hunched over a body. I do my best to slow my breathing down before I speak.

"Thomas Johnson, you're under arrest for the kidnapping and murder of Sage Young and Katerina Baldwin as well as the kidnapping of Eleanor DePaul," I say forcefully. The unsub turns around to face us with his hands up. I notice something in between his hands and my gun drops a millimeter before I raise it up again

"You lot might want to add murder to that one too," Johnson says and laughs at us. He starts to walk forward and I realize what the thing between his hands is, its a bloodstained wire. Morgan and Hotch rush over to him and cuff him. They drag him out off the basement and up to the yard.

"Medic! We need medical down here!" I yell, holding back tears. I head over to Eleanor and check for a pulse. Nothing. We were too late. JJ comes over and helps me cover up her half naked body with a sheet. I blink the tears away and hurriedly walk back upstairs, not noticing Prentiss' concerned look. I get in the car and dig my nails into my palms to stop the tears from coming. After the rest of the team square everything away with the medic and the local PD, we head back to the station to quickly gather our things before going back to our hotel. Once we are in the lobby, Hotch stops us for a minute.

"Okay guys, I know that was a rough one so I've arranged our flight to be tomorrow at 10:00 AM. I also made us reservations for a 7 o'clock dinner down here at the hotel restaurant," He says. I am relieved as is the rest of the team. I need a distraction from my thoughts and alcohol is the perfect solution. We all say our thanks and agree to meet back here at around 6:45. Prentiss and I head back to our room in silence.

"Are you going to shower?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. I'm grateful I need to get some tears out before I have to fake my happiness in front of a team of profilers. I make sure to remember a towel this time before undressing and then getting into the shower. I crank the water to very hot and let the stream relax my muscles. I start to cry and do my best to muffle them. I realize after a few minutes that I've been in there too long so I quickly get out of the shower. I wrap the towel around me and throw on some light makeup before blow drying my hair. I head out of the bathroom once I'm done to grab my clothes. I, once again, am grateful to have brought a semi nice outfit for tonight. Prentiss heads into the bathroom to give me privacy and I slip into my dress. It's a burgundy slip dress that ends mid thigh with a small slit up the side. It has a lace trim around the top. I'm glad to have brought this one, its pretty without being super flashy. I throw on my black kitten heels and then turn around to see Prentiss. She refreshed her hair and put on a red tank top with black skinny jeans. We stare at each other for a minute from across the room before I cough and break the trance.

"Ready?" She asks. I nod and we head out of the room together. The elevator ride down is silent and tension filled. The elevator feels like its going at a snails pace but we finally arrive at the lobby. We step out and quickly head over to the team. The host seats us at our table towards the back. We are all chatting when the waiter comes over.

"Hey guys, I'm Chad and I'll be your waiter this evening. What can I get started for you guys? Water, cocktails, wine?" He asks.

"Red wine for me please," JJ says.

"Jack and coke," Morgan says.

"Single malt scotch on the rocks," Rossi says.

"Pina colada please," says Garcia.

"Just a beer for me," Hotch says. "Any kind will do."

"Um..., I'll have a shot of Absolut and a Vodka cran," I say with a smile.

"I'll have the same as her, minus the shot," Prentiss says to Chad. He smiles and leaves to place our drink order. We all browse through the menu while we wait for Chad to come back. About five minutes later he comes back with a tray filled with our drinks. After he distributes them out I quickly slam my shot down and motion for another. He takes our food order and we chat quietly and sip our drinks. Well, they sip their drinks, I chug mine. Chad comes back with my next shot as well as a refill for my drink. I down the shot again and ask for a third. The team looks at me with worried expressions.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you okay Lil, you seem upset," Reid says. Fuck. Of course they know, they're profilers. I start to open my mouth to say something but Prentiss answers for me.

"Spencer, I'm sure it was just the case. Lilith was the first person to go up to the victim. That would make anyone a little shaken," She says to him. I'm shocked. Prentiss said my name.

"Yeah, Spence. Pr- Emily is right. I'm just a little freaked," I say, using her name for the second time this trip. "It was a tough case." If only they really knew. Normal chatter resumes and I slow down on the shots but keep the Vodka cran's coming. Finally our food gets here and we dig in. I'm surprised at how good the food is. My burger is perfectly cooked and I can tell everyone shares the same sentiment as me regarding their food. We spend the rest of the meal talking about life and various other things. I keep refilling my drink and I can feel myself getting drunker and drunker. I decide to tap out after five because I know I won't make it up to the room with any more alcohol in me and because the alcohol has had the opposite affect of what I wanted. The more I drink the more my past goes to the forefront of my mind. We all finish our dinner and then Morgan suggests we go to the bar for a night cap. Everyone but Hotch and Rossi accept. The six of us head over to the bar across from the lobby. I stumble and to my surprise Prentiss grabs my arm to steady me. We sit around a round high top toward the back of the bar area and order a round of drinks. Reid brings up the case and I can feel my breathing start to get faster again. My drink comes and I gulp it down while Spencer spews out kidnapping facts like its the coolest thing in the world. It feels like the walls are closing in on me and that's when I decide I can't take it anymore.

"You know what guys, I think I've had too much to drink and I'm feeling tired. I'll see you in the morning," My voice shakes and it's not from the alcohol. I try my best to mask my emotions but the alcohol is making it difficult. I stand and try my best to walk out of the bar without stumbling. I head to the elevator and as soon as the doors close behind me I start to sob. Huge racking sobs rake through my body. I hug my body with my arms as I let myself cry in the elevator. The elevator dings and I rush down the hall to my room. I enter my room and as soon as I shut the door behind me I sit on the floor by the bed and sob.

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