Chapter 5: Confessions

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"Look here Zee, I still wonder why you decided to keep quite. It's been years now. Five long years of enduring this kind of pain and torture... How long are you going to keep quite? Even if you're forced to... Why don't you inform Humaira about this at least?"

"What's your business?" She hissed at him and swallowed hard.

"Why don't you just face your happy, luxurious life and leave me to mine? What do you care about exactly? Tell me!" Tears kept welling out of her eyes at every word she said. Her heart boiled at his concern.

"Don't act as if you're strong enough Zee. I know you're not. I know you have a very strong heart, but somewhere deep inside, you're weak. You're bleeding inside and you want to keep it to yourself? This would affect you, Zainab. I need you to pour out your anger on those that hurt you. Those that made you cry because they don't deserve this kind of silence." Idris watched Zainab's upper lip, stiffened.

"Leave me alone, Idris." She rolled her eyes at him and hissed.

In a snap, Idris held Zainab back, by her wrist. Her eyes startled at his. She knew how much his mother hates to see him in her room. And despite knowing this, he came. Zainab pulled her hand away from Idris. Yet, he grabbed her so tight- he won't let go.

"What do you want from me, Idris? Haven't you made my life miserable enough? Just leave me alone and stop pretending as if you care!" She jerked off one more time and walked away.

Idris quickly held her back, pushing her to the wall, right next to the kitchen's door. He placed his arm inches above her, acute-angled. Idris was taller. Zainab could just reach a bit above his shoulders, so she stared at him. He was staring earnestly at her,  as if it amused him.

"And why are you staring at me like this?" She muttered. Zainab could feel the heat burning in her chest.

He persistently gazed into her brown, chestnut that was filled with fear, but a girl as strong as Zainab won't ever show it. She looked back at him with fire burning in her eyes.

Startled, he tilted forward as if he was about to kiss her lips but she pushed him away. Again, he blocked her from moving, with his left hand blocking her way.

She rolled her eyes at him in anger and fraustration 'What's wrong with you idiot? What gas gotten over you?'
Her teeth gnashed out the words.
"I hate you!" She rolled her eyes at him and stamped on his feet, but Idris held in the pain without any reation.

"What have I done wrong, Zee? I'm trying to help you out here and you're just being so ungrateful!"

Despite the anger, he stared at her intently and moved his lips to hers, but she stopped him in between. They kept on staring into each other's eyes with that same feeling. Hatred, passion, anger and love.... All at once until Isah Interrupted.

"Hello love birds..."

They turned to him as Zainab immediately pulled away from Idris.

"What! You've been here catching romance while I've been starving and waiting in hunger?" Isah bursted at Zainab, his synthetic smile formed a glare.

Zainab moved Idris arm away from her front and went to get Isah's food for him.

"I'm sorry." she muttered.

Idris held her back and they stared at each other once more.

"Just go and find something else doing. I'll serve the food." He said.

Idris hated the fact that she's already a slave for not just his parents but also his elder brothers.

Although, Zainab didn't want to go, she just left the two brothers in kitchen. There's one thing she hate, bring commanded by Idris because all his decisions leads her to trouble. She'd rather obey any other person in the house.

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