Chapter 9: A Birthday Celebration

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"So, which University did you choose?"

"ABU, Zaria and..." Zainab joked

"Don't tell me it's ABU! I'll fucking kill you, Zainab!!"

Humaira threw a pillow at Zainab as she jerked it away.

"C'mon sis! You're so serious. I was only joking!"

Humaira wore a funny smirk. As if she wanted to say; 'so what, then?'

"I picked Bayero University, Kano (A.B.U) as my first choice and Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, (U.D.U.S) as my second choice so whichever works out for me, I'm fine."

"I'd prefer Kano, Zee. At least, it's a bit closer."

"Me too." Zainab answered her.

Just then, Humaira grabbed her phone immediately. As if she remembered something important.

"What's it sis? Is anything wrong?"

"Today's date!" She scrolled through her phone. "It's 29th September! Tomorrow is 30th!!"

"Yes sis, what's happening tomorrow?" Zainab asked with a perplexed face.

"Don't tell me you don't know?"

"No I don't..." Zainab muttered. "What's happening tomorrow?"

"You're a chicken, Zee! Don't tell me you've forgotten your birthday date!"

"Ohh... So it's that." Zainab looked relieved. "And you almost gave me an heart attack."

"So you've forgotten?"

"Not exactly.... Since I don't celebrate it anyways. I mean.. it's been long."

"Awwwwn... My baby sister is clocking 16." Humaira meowed.

Zainab couldn't help but to let out a funny laugh. "Whatever sis! You're something else."

"Don't worry, we'll celebrate this one together. I'll make sure it's something you'll never forget." Humaira suggested while Zainab just couldn't wait.

Well, it's been long since they've been together like this. There's a special feeling of joy and happiness that only your family can bring. Apart from these, it's been long since Zainab celebrated her birthday. Even though they weren't able to satisfy their stomachs then, Zainab's birthday has been special. No matter how little, it's never forgotten.

Later that day, Humaira made arrangements with a big eatery. She rented the place for only two hours. Where three of them would eat, take pictures and enjoy themselves. Zainab only invited her best and trusted friend... Habeebah.

Yes, she didn't invite Idris. She didn't even tell him about it but he knew. Even though he knew the venue, he still couldn't go. His brothers blamed him for everything. And for ever giving birth to him because he preferred  Zainab over his own parents. He eloped with an outsider. Whatever ways he tried to explain to them; to make matters clear, they still put he blame on him and now, they've stopped talking to him as well. Everyone abandoned Idris, but for some reasons, he blames himself for everything happening. It is really his fault? If not, who is it to blame?


8:40 pm.

29th September.

Zainab took a warm bath and tied her soft towel over her slim, sexy body. There's no such exciting feeling like that when one just clock sweet sixteen. Although, it's of no difference from yesterday or any other day but there's a unique sense of maturity you have. Yes, that exact feeling was what danced through Zainab's body. She had a bright smile on her face and a spark of joy in her eyes.

Apart from today being her birthday, it's the first time she's going to an eatery with her favorite family. Humaira and Hadee. And of course, her bestie would be there to rejoice with her.
'No haters, no evil eyes. No Bala, no Idris.  Just me and my family.' she jerked up with excitement to the thought of it.

A day before, Humaira had surprised her with two pink makeup kits. Even though Zainab wasn't used to any of it... Because Mrs Bala didn't let her use any, even white power. Well, that was the past and now is present. After rubbing her body with a body lotion (Nivea), she wore a new set of undergarment and put on a classic brown over wear. The 'made in Saudi Arabia' Abaya was designed with black, feathery lace at the edges and it fitted her so perfectly. On it, she went with a simple, black veil and stylish leather skinned high heals. Stating at the mirror, Zainab saw a brand new girl. Someone so different, it didn't look like her as all or maybe she wasn't even the one.

Admiring how much she'd grown, Humaira pushed the door behind her saying a greeting as she entered.

"Assalam'Alaikum, Sunshine..."

"Wa'alaikun Sallam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sis!" Zainab answered with joyfully and went to welcome her in with a hug.

"I see you're preparing for the big day. I came to check if you're awake and you're already prepared."

"Yes. I'm just so elated right now. I'm so lucky to have a sister like you."

"Awwwwn... I've not even started yet." Humaira joked and looked at Zainab's face. She quirked an eyebrow as Zainab's smile slowly fades. Is anything wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?" Zainab touched her face with the tip of her fingers.

"Why aren't you wearing makeup? I bought it for you specially for today."

"Umm... It's kinda difficult. I mean... I don't even know how to use it."

"Subhanallah!" Humaira exclaimed. "Why don't you ask me how and I'll tell you or watch a YouTube video on it."

"The thing is... My phone."

Zainab brought out an small Nokia phone. A buttoned mobile phone,  Something looking like what Humaira use to use back then but it wasn't the one.

Humaira knew that Zainab was using that kind of phone so she decided to surprise her that morning with a brand new iPhone.

"Talaa!" Humaira giggled aptly and brought out the package. It was wrapped so Zainab didn't know what was in it.

"What's this sis?" She asked

"I don't know. Just check it out." She muttered, handling the wrapped gift to Zainab.
'If looks like a box, if feels like a box. What's inside the box?'  Zainab was curious. She untied the gift and opened it.

Confusion strikes through Zainab's face.
"Subhanallah! You got this for me?!"

"Yes sis, it's all yours."

"Isn't this too much? Or rather too beautiful?" Tears gathered in her eyes, she just couldn't understand how much their lives had changed.

"Open it dear. It's all yours. I ordered this peachy-brown colored phone for you because I know it's your favorite."

"I'm speechless right now sis... Thank you so, very much." She broke down in tears and gently wrapped her hands around Humaira in a soft, warm hug.


Words and Translations

-Saudi Arabia: A country with mostly Muslims.

-Assalam'Alaikum: (An Islamic greeting) Peace be  upon you

-Wa'alaikun Sallam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh: (A Reply) And may the peace and blessings of God be upon you too.

-Subhanallah: Glory be to God.

-Abaya: Over wear. A long gown worn by muslim women. An alternative word used by Muslims instead of Omg! Or Wow!

-Talaa!: An exciting exclamation.

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