Chapter 27: Welcome Home, Aliyah

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Hajia Fati was seated by the corner of the room. Her mind haven't been at rest since Zainab isn't yet conscious. Raising her head up, she saw Zainab turning her head side to side in pain.

"Hu...mair..a Hu..mai..ra." Zainab lips managed to call the nane. She placed her head on her head as she whimpered silently.

Khalid's mum rushed to her immediately. Standing right next to her sick bed.
"W..where? God where am I?"

Hajia Fati softly held her face in her hands.
"Oh... Poor thing. You're okay my dear. You're in the hospital."

Zainab tried to lift her head.

"My head." She sighed softly, trying to endure the pain that comes with it. Ugh God, it hurts. She gently placed it back to the pillow.

"Just relax my dear, relax."

"Hmm..." She made another painful sigh.

"Umm... if I may ask. What's your name?"

She took blank glances at the woman that asked, trying to remember her name but everything seemed empty.

"What's your name?" She asked again.

"Umm... My name." She's closed her eyes painfully as she searched for answers in her clouded mind. The more she thought about it, she feels like drawing into nothingness. Everything suddenly went back, she couldn't even remember yesterday.

"I don't know. I don't remember. She murmured and gently opened her eyes

"Who are you?" Zainab asked confusedly, staring at the wealthy looking woman in front of her.

"I'm Hajia Fatima Maikuddi. My son got involved in an accident with you but don't worry. Everything would be alright." She replied with a calm smile.

Just then, the door opened and Khalid entered. With him were two big bags with food and fruit. So far, he was only concern about his mother. She refused to go home so, he had to get food for her and Zainab.

Zainab and Hajia Fatima turned towards the door as Khalid entered.

"And... Who's that?" She asked.

"Umm... That's Khalid, my son." She introduced with a small smile.

"The careless driver?" Zainab muttered.

"I'm not careles_!" Khalid tried to defend himself but his mother turned to him with an awkward look, making him shush immediately.
Khalid rolled his eyes at her even though it's the first time he's hearing her speak. He doesn't care who she is, he just rolled his eyes at her disgustingly and dropped the baggage beside the corner of her bed.

"Ugh..." Zainab moaned in pain. "My head."

Khalid's mum turned to her son annoyingly. He just entered and he's already complicating things. She looked at him disappointedly...

"You need to be friendly to her." His mother warned as she turned to back Zainab.

"Just relax my dear, rest uh? I'll call you Aliyah for now... I'm sure with time you'll remember and be able to go back to your family. What matters to me now is your health." Hajia Fati muttered emotionally.

"Am I in the hospital? How did I get here?"
Just relax my child, there's nothing to worry about. Relax. She held Zainab's hands and patted on it gently.

"Khalid, get the doctor please." Hajia Fati instructed.

Khalid glared at her from the corner of his eyes, annoyingly. He stepped out of the ward almost banging the door.

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