Chapter 47: The Meeting 😭😵😭

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'O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household,
make Thy generosity intercede for my offenses,
follow up my evil deeds with Thy pardon,
repay me not with the punishment that is my proper repayment,
spread over me Thy graciousness,
wrap me in Thy covering,
and do with me what is done
by a mighty man,
when a lowly slave pleads to him
and he shows him mercy,
or a rich man,
when a poor slave submits himself
and he raises him to wealth!

O God,
I have no protector against Thee,
so let Thy might be my protector!
I have no intercessor with Thee,
so let Thy bounty be my intercessor!
My offenses have set me quaking,
so let Thy pardon give me security!

Not all that I have said rises up from
my ignorance of my evil footsteps
or forgetfulness of my blameworthy acts in the past,
but in order that Thy heaven and those within it
and Thy earth and those upon it
may hear the remorse which I have professed to Thee
and the repentance through which I have sought asylum with Thee.

Then perhaps one of them, through Thy mercy,
may show mercy upon my evil situation
or be seized by tenderness for my evil state.
There may come from him for my sake
a supplication to which Thou givest ear
more than to my supplication
or an intercession surer with Thee
than my intercession
through which I may be delivered from Thy wrath
and attain to Thy good pleasure!

O God,
if remorse is a repentance toward Thee,
then I am the most remorseful of the remorseful!
If refraining from disobedience is a turning back to Thee,
then I am the first of those who turn back!
If praying for forgiveness alleviates sins,
surely I am one of those who pray for Thy forgiveness!

O God,
as Thou hast commanded repentance
and guaranteed acceptance,
as Thou hast urged supplication,
and promised to respond,
so also bless Muhammad and his Household,
accept my repentance,
and return me not to the returning place
of disappointment in Thy mercy!
Surely Thou art Ever-turning toward the sinners,
All-compassionate toward the offenders who turn back!

O God,
bless Muhammad and his Household
just as Thou hast guided us by him!
Bless Muhammad and his Household
just as Thou hast rescued us through him!
Bless Muhammad and his Household,
with a blessing that will intercede for us
on the Day of Resurrection,
the day of neediness toward Thee!
Thou art powerful over everything,
and that is easy for Thee!

Lead me to the right path oh Allah. Accept my prayers and forgive me all my sins. My know and unknown misdeeds, my seen and unseen misdeed. Because You're the All Seeing, The All Hearing and The Knower of All. Oh Allah Lead me to Zainab. Wherever she is on this planet oh Allah make me fine my little sister again. Grant my parents Jannatul Firdaus and expose Alhaji Musa for all his misdeeds. Expose his secrets and other people like him, oh Allah expose them all. Where my son's soul is, oh Allah Grant him grant him paradise. And if he's alive somewhere, make me meet him again. The meeting between  Jacob and Joseph... Oh Allah make me meet my son Again if he's still alive. And my sister too..." After that, she recited some quranic verses to complete the prayer.

After praying, Humaira wiped away her sweaty and teary face, as she took her phone. She saw 10 missed calls from My Doctor.

He must have been waiting for me. Humaira thought as she walked downstairs to meet Zayn.

The mosque downstairs was mainly for men. That was where the ka'abah is placed. A big black mosque in the middle of the wide place, adorned with gold and diamond as if it was paradise. Humaira went downstairs, looking for Zayn and failing his number.

Meanwhile, Zainab too was there. She just met Khalid and asked him to take her pictures of her standing right next to the ka'abah. After taking her shots, she collected her phone to snap a selfie. Just positioning the camera, she saw a lady in the background. The one she had been waiting for earlier. Staring at her from her phone was as if watching a dream in reality... She quickly turned to the lady that was almost looking like her. They had so much resemblance.... Zainab didn't know when she uttered the name, "Humaira!"
As if everything was slow motioned, Humaira turned to her.

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