Chapter 54: The Departure😭🥺😭

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A Week Later.

"I said I want to see my wife! Tell her to come right away!" He pushed the ceramic verse on the table, down.

A nurse came to his ward to calm him down but he pushed her away
"Don't touch my you little wench!"

"You should calm down and take your drugs Alhaji Musa, you'll get worse withou_" he cut into her words before she completed her words.

"Is it you again? Why is it you?!" It looked at her as if he was stunned. "Haven't I confessed to the whole public? Everyone knows I killed your husband now so leave me alone!" he barked like a mad dog. He must be seeing Binta again.

"I'm your nurse, okay. And I'm not married." She shouted back at him, getting the syringe prepared for him. Working with the psychiatric section is so faustrating, indeed.

"You must be tensed about something. What did you want? Should I help you with anything?" The nurse asked him.

"I need my wife! I need to see her before I die!"

"And who said you'll die?"

"You all want to kill me here. I don't want any injections he pushed her away." With one push, she hit her head on the wall and passed out. Other nurses had to rush to his ward.

"What happened, Alhaji Musa?" They asked him, with puzzled faces.

"She wanted to kill me!" He reported, breaking down in tears.
"And all of you too... Get out of here!" He chased them away like goats disturbing his farm. He took a pice of the broken ceramic on the floor and sliced his throat.

It was a deep, sharp line across this throat. He passed out immediately. Some of the nurses ran to him while others went to call the psychiatrist.

When they came back, he had already passed out. The nurses placed him on the bed as his neck was dripping with blood.

"Oh my! Why did you allow him hurt himself life this?" The psychiatrist asked annoyingly as she started treating him, giving him a drip and closing the cut.

The cleaner moped the blood and packed the pieces of the broken vase.

Minutes later, the psychiatrist called the nurses.

"When we wakes up, restrain him and put him into seclusion after an hour! She ordered. "Give me his wife's contact. She'll have to come down here right away!"

Alhaji Musa wouldn't eat or sleep. All he does was cry and shouts of still seeing Binta, in dreams and in reality. He disturbs other patients receiving treatment in the therapy session.


Miss Monica Daniels, the psychiatrist had to call and convince Engineer Almirah to come back to Nigeria. She told her about how disheartening her husband's health has become and how important she needs to be with him at least. Especially during this critical time when things are difficult for him.

He has nobody, Ma'am. No friends or family member. You're the only one that can help us right now. All he calls is your name. I feel he wants to tell you something important.

"Okay, doctor. I've heard you. I'll come as soon as I'm chanced. Only because you asked." She hissed and cut the call.


The Following Day...

Engineer Almirah came to visit her husband. Alhaji Musa was looking so slim and unhealthy. Since he stopped eating. He looked so sad most of the time and his blood pressure also increased but the doctors tried their best to keep him alive.

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