Chapter 33: Falling

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That night, Alhaji Musa was in coma. He was bleeding from his left arm and the doctors had to remove the bullet as soon as possible.

When Barrister Edward heard the new, he was so shocked. It was just unbelievable. He knew how much Humaira hated him but he couldn't here she got the nerve to face him.

'How would Humaira take such wratic decision? Imagine attacking a soon to be senator in his office, this might be more complicated than I think.'
The barrister thought as he turned off his television and went inside to make a call. He had to call a friend of he's to confirm what really happened.

Humaira to him is like a junior sister. She's a very strong and intelligent person that he admires so much. She's just had to go through hell, especially with the devilish Alhaji Musa in it.  The least he wants is to hear hat Humaira has spoilt her image as a lawyer, just because of him. Despite his lecturing and advises that she should forget about the past and move on.

"I'll meet her first thing tomorrow morning and confirm why she had to shoot Alhaji Musa. Where on Earth did she even get the gun?" Barrister Edward concluded as he walked to his bedroom.


The Following Morning...

Alhaji Musa's surgery was successful. They removed the bullet and luckily, he's safe and sound again, but still receiving treatment.

Barrister Edward went to visit Humaira that morning. They took her into the visiting room as he came to meet her there. Shocked at how devastated she looked made him realize how much pain, she's going through.

"What happened to my lawyer?" He started. Humaira raised her head, her eyes meeting his gaze.

"Don't call me that, Barrister Edward!"

Before all of these happened, on a normal day. Barrister Edward would call Humaira, 'my lawyer' and she'd feel excited about it. But not this time. Things have changed, everything is different.

"But you're my lawyer right?" He asked with hope in his eyes. "You're a legal practitioner."

"I'm no longer a lawyer, sir. Not with what I've done. I'm an insult to my profession. I killed Alhaji Musa." Humaira break down in tears, letting another series of tears pour out of her red, swollen eyes. With the look of things, she must have cried throughout the night.

"No you didn't, Humaira. You're not a murderer."

"What?" She jerked to his last words, as she lifted her face up to his gaze. "He's still alive?"

"Yes my dear. Alhaji Musa didn't die. Luckily, the bullet only whizzed through his left arm."

A cold shiver ran through her spine as she let out an heavy breathe. "Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!! Alhamdulillahi Robil 'Alamin!!!"

Humaira clutched her head in her palms and let out soft whines.

A smile finds its way to Barrister Edward's lips as tears of joy gathered his eyes. Humaira was in a pitiable state, he just wished he could help her out already.

"Don't worry my dear. I'll work I'll help you work it out but there would be a bail for #20, 000. But.. you'll have to promise me something."

"What is it? She raised her head up. You'll have to promise me that you won't ever face Alhaji Musa ever again. You wouldn't attack him in any way... You'll have to fill this form and sign as well.

Barrister Edward brought out the bail form and placed it on the table, handling her a pen to write.

"How do you expect me to forget about everything just like that? He killed my son, Mr. Edward! He killed the only son I've loved and cherished! Someone I've sacrificed a lot for and hoped to watch him grow! Would you let him go if we were riding the same boat?!" Humaira let out her anger on him, as more tears pricked her eyes. "He confessed to me yesterday, Barrister Edward! That man killed my parents! His evilness destroyed me!"

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