Chspter 20: The Devil Himself

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An Hour Before;

Somewhere in Abuja.

"Hello, it's me, Mario." A hoarse voice sounded over the phone.

"Mario?! Where are you? How far?"

"Things didn't go as planned but that godvim still alive. I need to receive treatment as soon as possible. I'll need your help."

"Don't worry Mario, I'll send you to somewhere in China. You'll receive good treatment and live a beautiful life, I promise." Alhaji Musa muttered over the phone."But where are you now?"

Under Mabuchi bridge. Let's meet there as soon as possible. I'm looking a lit of blood already buy I managed to leave Wuse.

Good. That's good. I'll meet you there in a couple of minutes." Alhaji accured as he cuts the call and quickly grabbed his keys.

'Oh Lord, Mario is alive? How did he manage to escape?' Alhaji Musa thought as he jumped into his big, black jeep and Zoomed towards Mabuchi's road instead of going to his office.

It was just 6:30am in the morning but Alhaji Musa was ready. Nobody must know he's still alive else, he would be exposed. For some reasons, he already feels exposed but first things first. He needs to clear up this obstacle.


30 Minutes Later...

Alhaji Musa had already got there. There was a shade at the back of the humpback bridge. That was where Mario managed to lean on. His vision were still blurry but he managed. His body was dripping of blood and it was glowing in a thin, straight line in front of him. Mario was already doubting if he would make it or not. Going back home would be a sucide mission. Of course, he knew the police would be after him, they won't hesitate to kill him. Especially now that he has killed the Superintendent.

Just then,Alhaji Musa's car packed at the corner as he walked to where Mario was.

Oh my God! You're seriously bleeding. I'll call a fried of mine to treat you before leaving. You can't travel with bullets on your body.

Okay sir, let's go. Mario said as Alhaji Musa helped him up. Just then, he looked at him and said "hey!"

Raising his head forward, Mario saw Alhaji Musa painting a gun towards him. Immediately, he felt shocked almost freezing where he was standing, still dripping blood.

Mario's blurry vision cleared a bit to gun. "W..what's it sir? What wrong have I d..done?"

"You've done enough already. I'm sorry but I'll have to take your life now."

"Please don't harm me." Mario begged and tried to take his gun from his side pocket.

He was fast enough to pull the trigger and there was a loud Poooof!

Alhaji Musa's eyes looked red from the anger boiling in his heart. Mario suddenly dropped shaking like a ram being slaughtered for Sallah. A wicked smirk finds its way to the elderly man's face.

Still bleeding as if he didn't want to die. Alhaji Musa walked towards him, staring at him in a pitiful manner.

"So sorry Mario, I didn't even plan to send you abroad because you've benefited enough from me." He rained more bullets into his brain as Mario died horribly. He made sure there wasn't any chance of survival for the miserable guy. There was a lagoon by the side if the humpback bridge. He pushed Mario's bloody body into the ditch as water took him away.

'Work done, mission accomplished.' Alhaji Musa placed another smirk on his face before going into his vehicle. Just about to turn on the engines, a call came in.

He picked up and it was his secretary, Mrs. Lydia.

"What's it?" His deep voice sounded over the phone, sounding annoyed as usual.

"Umm... The police are here. They're asking if you. Where are you sir?" She asked.

"I'm on my way to the office. Tell them I'll be there shortly." He answered her, taking a small white towel to clean his hands and face.

He dropped his phone somewhere between the gear lever and the hand break before holding the steering wheel.

Meanwhile, before he leaves. He calls his lawyer to explain issue with him on his to defend his case with lies and bribery.
His lawyer, Barrister Kingsley has a share in his business property as to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, in order not to tarnish his image. That had been a deal to cover up all his wrong doings. Well, nobody knows about this, it's been between the two of them.


Words and Translation

-Poooof! : The sound of the gun. A gun shot

-Sallah: Muslim celebration. An alternative word for Eid.


Author's Note:

Word count: 800 words.

So sorry for the short update guys. You should manage it.

Okay dokey... What do you think going to happen next. What do you think is going to be Mr. Chameleon's next move? By his so called barrister Kingsley, would his secret ever be exposed?

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