Chapter 52: Pay Back Time

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Alhaji Musa was in an executive meeting a when he suddenly saw a Hajia bintas spirit right in front of him.

He ignored the strange figure and continued. She squeezed his bones, naming him act like a lunatic. Say the truth right now! Tell the world who you are!" She commanded.

"Umm... So due to the publics fear, we would use that as an a...advantage, as well as increasing the a...awareness of safety standards to decreased importa...tation of g...goods." he stammered fearfully like a scared rat.

'Tell the truth! Right away..." Hajia Binta's spirit added more pressure.

She squeezed her fist together mare doing so, his jacket tore and scattered on the table like pieces of rages thrown to the faces of the meeting members. He threw the documents to the middle table and it scattered on their bodies as if it meant nothing. Everyone were surprised at his behavior. The can't imagine it was Alhaji Musa acting so wried.

Mrs. Lydia that was around went to meet him and asked if everything was alright.

"What's the problem sir?" She asked moving closer to him.

"Leave me alone you fowl creature!" He spat into her eyes.

Other business officials present pulled him away from hurting Mrs. Lydia but he pushed away the with full force.

"Are you alright sir?" She asked silently to his hearing but Alhaji Musa grabbed her, full fist like a beast.

"I won't tell you anything you evil spirit! Leave me alone!"
He howled to her makeup face as she cried in terror.


He roared at her face once more and gave her a very hot slap. Miss Lydia fell to the ground instantly, as if she lost consciousness.

Other business officials present at the meeting had to hold him back.
He pushed them away again and Started throwing punches on his secretary's pretty face.  He beat her blue-black and no one could stop him.

"You evil woman! It was my love for you that ruined my entire life!" They tried stopping him before things gets worse but he came into his right senses.

"What is wrong with you, Alhaji! What did you do?" One of the businessmen asked.

"What did I do?"
Then he looked clearly and saw Mrs. Lydia laying on the floor with bleeding nose. She coughed out blood as she tried to speak, breathing was difficult for poor Mrs. Lydia. Her light skinned faces was no difference from that of a pumpkin.

Alhaji Musa looked around at all the stunned faces looking at him. It was as if he suddenly went crazy or something. The awkward stares on their faces made him realize that he just exposed himself.

"Ummm...ummm." He tried to explain but no words came out if his dried mouth.

Alhaji Musa held his head in total confusion as he raced out of the conference room like a boy, running from home to escape his parents beatings. He ran into the toilet scratching his head in confusion as the pupils in his eyes swam in an ocean of tears. He couldn't believe what just happened.

Waking into reality, Alhaji Musa rushed to the sink and opened the tap. Still breathing hard, he washed off his sweaty face and bleedy hands. He washed it over and over again so he would wake up from the nightmare of ever seeing Hajia Binta's spirit.

"What I'm asking from you is easier than what you did to me and my family, Musa." The figure appeared to him again.

"I can easily kill you but I don't want any of your dirty blood on my hands." She warned as he slowly turned back towards to face her and wiped his face to see if it's all a dream but it wasn't.

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