Chapter 36: More Tears From The Maikuddi's

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Someone entered her room and called out her name. It was barrister Edward.

"Humaira! Humaira!!" He called out loud but there was no reply. The tall house was buried in gave silence as he entered so he dialed her contact. After a couple of rings and he didn't get an answer. Just then, he heard her phone ringing from a room so he has to enter. What he saw next was unbelievable.

Humaira's body swinging from the rope. Immediately, he took a knife to cut it off, hoping she's still alive. He saw the empty bottle of sniper on the floor too which made him more scared.

"Humaira! Humaira!! What gave you done to yourself?!" He gave her soft slaps on the face abd cried.

Her eyes opened to his touch as he lips muttered something incoherently.
"I'm so..try s..sir."

She passed out immediately.

The young barristers heart ached for her but he didn't waste a minute, he took her into his car and drove her to the hospital for treatment. He just hopes she would be able to make it alive especially when she's take such a dangerous chemical.

Barrister Edward too Humaira to his hospital in town, which was the same hospital where Zainab was admitted.


Hours Later...

Mrs. Maikuddi rushed into the hospital. She was still in the meeting when Hannatu called and informed her that Zainab was rushed to the hospital. She couldn't imagine what had happened, she just ran straight to meet Khalid. He was waiting at the reception confusedly as nurses walked in and out of the ward, abruptly.

Just as Mrs. Maikuddi entered, the doctor came out if the room, gently closing the door behind him.

"Good day, doctor! Please what happened to my daughter?"

You don't have to worry ma'am. She'll be awake in minutes time but please, don't make noise.

"Would she be alright? Please, explain to me doctor." Tears pricked in her sad eyes.

"According to your son, she fell into a pool of water." The doctor let out a soft sigh and wiped away the beads of sweat hanging on his forehead.
"Right now, I'll say Aliyah is in a critical condition right now. She got drowned in the water which leads her to a more complicated case. She's having brain loss, there's a possibility she wouldn't remember what she's remembered or trying to. There's low chances of her being normal again, it depends on how her body responds to treatment. God is miraculous, let's see what happens when she awakes. Excuse me ma'am." The doctor said in a disappointed tone as we walks into the next ward. The ward where Humaira was admitted.

Hajia Fati couldn't help but to turn to her son.

"What happened?!" She asked as anger laced her voice.

"What did you do to Aliyah? What gave you do to her this time?"

"Ummm... I'm sorry mu_" A hot slap whizzed through his face, making him stop in between.

"It's the first time his mum ever raise her hand to hit him but..." For some reasons, he felt really guilty.

"You wanted to kill her right? What have you learnt throughout your stay abroad?! How to kill people? Know that if that girl dies, I'll hand you over to the police myself. I'm disappointed in you Khalid..."

Khalid stared to the ground with his glassy eyes. He tried to plead with his mum but he couldn't get the words... Hot tears dropped out of his pitiable eyes as his lips trembled speechlessly.

"I'm so sorry, mum. I mistakenly pushed her."

"Don't tell me you mistakenly pushed her, Khalid. You hated her so much despite all you've put her through. The poor girl can't even remember her own name, or her family! You've put her through a lot of pain yet, you're have the nerves to tell me that you mistakenly pushed her?" Her voice shivered as she spoke.

Tears was streaming out of Mrs. Maikuddi eyes like pot of boiling water. She felt so pained and it's heartbreaking to know that her son did this to a very innocent girl. She accepted her in, feed, cloth and shelter her all the sake of Khalid. To cover up for her son's mistake yet, it seems he haven't learnt anything.

Khalid's heart was shattered with the way his mum reacted towards him. She's talked to him in such manner.

"Your dad is coming this week. I hope you'll have enough explanations for him." She whispered into his ear, making him shiver.

Hajia Fati rolled her eyes and housed at him before entering into the ward. Seeing Zainab's in that state was disheartening. She was laying unconsciously on the the sick-bed as her slim body was connected to life supporting machines. The only thing heard in the room was the elrctronic beeping from the machines. A line of tightening ran through her guys as she watched Zainab fight for her life. Hajia Fati sat on the chair next to Zainab's bed as she watched the lines move in a zig-zaged motion.

"Subhanallah! How can I put you through all of these? It's all my fault you're in this, Aliyah. I shouldn't have left you alone, I'm sorry." She breaks down into tears, still holding Zainab's hands firmly in hers.

Heart broken Khalid came to the room. He stood by the door side, unable to enter or leave. Swing in mum blaming herself, he couldn't help but to feel remorse for every bad words he had said to her.

Crying into her hands, Zainab slowly opened her eyes. The way she struggled to open her sight, looked as if the brightness of the ward was blinding.

Zainab let out a soft moan as she placed her right hand on her forehead as she muttered the name, Humaira.


In the other ward, The doctor injected her with an antibiotic and antidote.
"All she needs is time to wake." The doctor tells Barrister Edward.

"Perhaps, what happened to her? Why would a young lady like that commit sucide?"

"She's been going through a lot doctor. She just lost her son and her younger sister is missing.

"Oh! That's heartbreaking but it's not enough reason for her to take her life like that. Life is too precious to waste... Isn't there anyone staying with her? What about her parents or her husband?" He asked, interestedly.

"Humaira is an orphan sir and she's not married. It's a complicated issue, She would want to keep it private."

"Okay... So, how are you related to her? Are you her brother or her uncle?"

"No, I'm just her senior at work. I'm a senior lawyer and we're colleagues. I also see her as a sister too so.." Barrister Edward expanciated.

"Okay..." The doctor muttered and scripted something into a paper.

"I think Humaira needs some advice. Something more like a therapy to move on. Apart from the treatment she's receiving, I discovered that her blood pressure has risen."He explained. "However, she would need more than just a helping hand or a support. Hopefully, her body reacts well with the treatment. She might get discharged tomorrow."

"Tommorow?" Barrister Edward quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes, tomorrow. She don't need much treatment. What she lacks now is encouragement to live. Forgetting the past that might be hunting or maybe too pretty for her to leave behind. Perhaps, I'll have a word with her before she gets discharged." He concluded.

"Okay doctor. That would really mean a lot." He muttered, gratefully

Just then, a call entered and Barrister Edward picked. It was an important call form office.

"Okay sir. I'll be on my way now." Barrister Edward said. "I'll come to check on her after later in the evening before going home."

"Okay. That's great." They had a hand shake before barrister Edward walked out of the office.

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