Chapter 7: The Bala's Arrest

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Humaira didn't reply. It took about 20 more minutes for her to digest all she had just seen. She couldn't help but cry.

[10:45 p.m.] Idris: Did she tell you about the virus?

[10:45 p.m.] Humaira: What virus?

[10:46 p.m.] Idris: Oh! So she didn't tell you? I thought you guys were very close. Why wouldn't she tell you about her virus?? I don't get it...

[10:47 p.m.] Humaira: Subhanallah! She's having a virus?

[10:47 p.m] Idris: Yes, it's HIV

[10:48 p.m] Humaira: Audhubillahi Mina Shaytani Rajim! HIV?! How to manage? I didn't even know

[10:49 p.m.] Idris: It was through the rape case. It's been six years now and she hasn't received any treatment. Zainab is sick Humaira. She badly needs Antiretroviral therapy...

(Humaira broke down in tears. How is it even possible? How come she never told me? Why did she have to suffer like this all alone? And I was thinking she had a normal life! What on Earth stopped her from opening up to me? And we slept on the same bed in Zaria, she didn't even utter something like this to me... )

[10:50 p.m.] Idris: Umm... Are you there?

[10:50 p.m] Idris: The guilt of knowing all of these and not telling you has been eating me up for long... So, I decided to find a way before Zainab left at least.

[10:51 p.m.] Idris: Well, she kept everything to herself. Even as her friend, she hardly opens up to me.

[10: 53 p.m] Idris: Please, whatever step you want to take, make sure it's the right thing. Zainab has gone through enough already. I'm happy she's finally leaving this hell of a place.

[10:54 p.m.] Idris: Ummm... Are you still there? You're not replying.

[10:55 p.m.] Humaira: I'm so heartbroken right now. I can't believe all of these. I'll expose them tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Idris.

[10:55 p.m.] Idris. You're welcome. I'm just doing this for Zainab. She deserves better.

[10:56 p.m] You're such a good friend and son too.

[10:57 p.m.] Idris. Thank you, Humaira. I'll be going to bed now, it's almost midnight.

[10:57 p.m.] Humaira: Okay, bye.

[10:58 p.m.] Idris: Bye.

Idris went to bed with a smiling face. He felt as if all his worries were now settled, He hid the hotter under his bed and went to sleep, praying tomorrow would be better.

Humaira's eyes were still streaming with tears. She was confused. HIV?! Why would it be Zainab out of everybody in the world? Those stupid robbers weren't yet caught, Humaira cursed them in her mind and scrolled through her phone. She went to the contact list and made a call.


It was a foggy, cloudy morning, and a dun-colored veil hung over the housetops, looking like the reflection of the mud-colored streets beneath. It was a Saturday morning and everyone was in their homes.

Humaira drove her Jeep down the road and packed it carefully by the side of the Bala's compound.

Meanwhile, Zainab was ready She'd been told that morning about Humaira's call. All of Idris's efforts to speak with her before leaving were abortive. So, he decided to wait for Humaira's arrival.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

They heard a knock on the door.

"Zainab!" Amina called.

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