Chapter 29: Broken

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Zainab rushed to open the door. It's was Hajia Fati with a try if food on her hands.

"Assalam'Alaikum ma. Good morning." Zainab greeted.

"Wa'alaikum Sallam my darling Aliyah. You're already awake? Hope you slept well?"

"Yes ma'am." Zainab answered, collecting the try of food from her but she said she wanted to feed Zainab herself.

"Come and seat here my dear. I'll feed you." Mrs. Maikuddi kindly said.

Zainab sat on the bed while Hajia Fati fed her the massa and vegetable soup.

Although, the meal was prepared by the cook, It tasted delicious. Very delicious that Zainab took it in a rush that she started coughing.

"Oh, sorry dear." Hajia Fati gently placed the tray on tge stool in front of the dressing table behind them and went to get bottle water from the fridge standing by the other corner of Zainab's room. She poured it into a glass cup and handed it to her to drink.

Zainab gulped it as she stopped coughing. She drank all the water till the cup was empty.

"Hmm... I'm okay."

"Eat more." Hajia Fati pressed.

"Ummm... I think I'm satisfied now, mum." Zainab answered her stomach grumbling in satisfaction.

"But you haven't eaten half of the food. Eat one more massa so that you can use your drugs." She cringed.

"But I've eaten enough, perhaps. The doctor said I need self medication and exercises." Zainab emphasized.
"I'm satisfied already and please mum. Stop feeding me. I'm a grown up girl not a baby."

"The doctor said you need few days if observation. Plus, you should eat well and to stop worrying about anything. That's why I came to feed you... I'll be going to office in an hour time. Too bad, I won't be able to look after you throughout the day." Hajia Fati pouted, already feeling sad.

"Don't worry mum, I can take care of myself. I'll keep myself busy by watching television. Then I'll sleep afterwards.

"Awwwwn.. good girl." Mrs. Maikuddi held Zainab's head, gently planting a kiss on her forehead.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to hold it back. Too bad, someone as sweet and as lovely as this has memory lost. For some reasons, Mrs. Maikuddi felt that Zainab was a good girl. Well mannered and respectable. She couldn't help but to wish Zainab regains her memory soon but would she remember all of these? She thought to herself mentally as she held Zainab's hands into hers.
"I just want to see you happy my dear Aliyah. I'll get you a mobile phone today, Insha Allah. So that way, you won't feel so bored all alone at home."

"Wow! That would be great mum!!" Zainab softly cuddled her. Then she loose herself gradually.

"What about Khalid? Is he also working in your company?"

"No, not yet. I mean he comes once in a while to check on me. Khalid is not into business my dear, he's into theatre arts. Okay, let me tell you a little about him since you're now like his sister." She sighed heavily as she started.
"Khalid  is 20 years old, he graduated from Oxford two months ago and now, he is planning to do his master's in acting and theatre arts at Film and Television Institute of India, Pune."

"But why is he always serious with me. I mean he's at fault, I almost lost my life because of him but he doesn't feel remorseful whatsoever. He looks pissed whenever he sees me... I feel like an outsider already."

"Awwwwn... Don't mind Khalid. He's always naughty and annoying but trust me, there's a good side of him you'll want to meet. O promise you that. I'll talk to him later after I'm back from work and please, don't ever feel neglected. You're also a maikuddi, Aliyah. I want you to remember this."

"Okay mum. I'll put it in mind." Zainab wore a promising smile.

Good. I'll go and prepare right away. Please, make yourself comfortable and don't go out, okay?

"Okay mummy." Zainab replied as Mrs. Maikuddi carried the try and walked out of the room.

Zainab felt so at ease. Especially with Khalid's mum. The only odd person is her son, Khalid.
"He's nothing but a narcissist who thinks that sun revolves around him. It's so obvious that the dude is spoilt and I'll mannered. But whatever! She hissed and  went into the bathroom to have a shower.

Suddenly, it felt like Zainab was staring at her own reflection. She was staring at the shower, as a thought played on her mind. 


Zainab quickly tied her towel in her chest and ran to where Humaira was.

"Please help me on this shower."

Humaira blushed at her little sister's curious and showed her how to.

"I know you won't be able to switch it on that's why I came around. You shouldn't forget to press here when you want to shower, okay?"

"Okay sis." She replied childishly with a small smile.

With this, a sharp pain strike through Zainab's head as she held it in pain. Her eyes clouded as she bent the ground, crying.


A short chappie. Lol! What do you think about Khalid? Do you feel Zainab and Humaira would meet pretty soon? If yes, let me know why. Please, don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

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