A Note To All Orphans

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Okay, I completed this novel yesterday but I remembered it occured to me that I left a bigger part of this book, unnoticed. The reason why I wrote this novel.

I remembered, as a child my dad would sit me and my siblings down. Teaching us our traditional songs and history. He always says; 'the sweetest part of the meat is the tongue. And the most bitter part of meat is the tongue. It depends on how you eat the meat.'

To me, life is same way. Like the tongue. It is sweet and bitter. It depends on the side you're faced with. To me, no man's life is perfect. We're all faced with challenges one way or another. Sometimes, condition makes the best out of man, to become a changed person. Other times, condition takes the best out of man, he eventually becomes a bad person and turns to the devil himself.
These challenges push us down that we are left to become something horrible, that we could have never imagined; a prostitute, a terrorist, a bandit, ritualist, rapist etc...

In this novel, I want you to know that Alhaji Musa was my favorite character. He had to do wrong because he was faced with greed and jealousy. After Ahmad's death, he always see his friend's face in Humaira, while Zainab was the daughter he couldn't cherish. Hadee on his own, was the gem he always wanted but couldn't still own/ possess at the end.
Just put yourself into the clothes of Alhaji Musa and feel the pains he must have gone through. You can do that for all the characters as well, and tell me what you think about them. Hajia Binta didn't kill anyone. It was just predestined that, that would happen to Musa Adamu's family at that time.
Everything has a reason and it's season, it's just the way you handle it.  How long can you hold pain? How long can you suffer for love, hunger and injustice? To me, we had 3 main characters in this story.
Alhaji Musa- The hidden main character.
Humaira- The lead main character.
Zainab- The supporting Main character.

Do you agree with me? Because they followed us from the start of the story till the very end.
So, what options do you have when you have no choice?  What options would you pick when you have nothing to hold up to? How low can you stoop when you realize there's nothing to you or to your name?

To every orphan out there. I want you to know that there are better chances for you to live a good and healthy life. What is bad should be avoided and what is good should be followed. Do what is good at all times, no matter how difficult.
At a young age, Alhaji Musa had to fend for himself because he too was an orphan. Without anyone to love and care for him but also, let's not forget that Humaira is another orphan. Infact, she went through hell because she was a female that had responsibilities. See how two different orphans changed their lives. You can compare and contrast between these two.

We human beings at one point in life are faced with one challenges or another. Even people who aren't orphans don't have a perfect life. It matters what you do when you're out of options. What you do when you have nothing to turn to, No one to talk to, nowhere to go to. Only you can determine who you are; maybe an antagonist or a protagonist, an angel or a devil, a good person or a bed person.

Let's put in mind that Lust, money, greed and jealousy never satisfies man. It burns, it grows, it increases in the hearts of me. Like a trap,bit attracts man to his own distraction. Like a lion, trailed off with the blood of it's prey till it falls into his own grace. Know yourself, recognize your limit. Have you do(s) and dont(s), your yes and nos and most often, never stop praying. Prayer does more than all these boring stories and long inspirational talks.

Everyday, I see orphans around me and feel what the go through. All I do is to breakdown and cry. I wish things would get better for them, I wish things were better for all of them. Now, the real question is... What difference have you made? With what have you positively impacted to this? Ask yourselves these questions and I hope you'll find the answers someday.

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