Chapter 14: Just Ease & Justice

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Throughout that day, Humaira couldn't eat. She tried calling one or two people to report the case. But one thing is that Alhaji Musa is a wild lion; one would have to trail carefully in other to trap him down.

Unlike anyone else, everything about him is different. Humaira felt so much concern for her younger sister, Zainab but that wasn't comparable to what she's feeling for Hadee. The boy can't even speak properly. The scene of how he was clinging to her throughout the party flashed through her mind. She called the police and reported that her missing son must be found. Although they promised to work day and night to look for the 5-year-old, Humaira's mind wasn't at rest. It was night and all she kept on doing was crying in prayers.

'Ya Allah! I know that I'm not perfect. Yes, I agree that I've sinned a lot and maybe I'm not worthy of joy or happiness but please, Do me this favor. Bring my son back to me. Show me a sign that he was safe... Your savant has come before you on her knees. I know you've tested me a lot of times and I've failed. Oh Allah, don't give me a date so strong because I'm weak. Only you know how much I love my son, please don't let me lose him like this oh Lord.'


It was a perfect morning. Humaira went with Barrister Edward to Alhaji Musa's house. On getting there, his Albino gatekeeper reported that he'd left very early that morning for the office.

"Was he around yesterday evening? I mean did he sleep here?" Barrister Edward asked the gatekeeper.

"Yes, o. He came home last night but it was very late. Around 11:00 p.m.... But I guess it's all about work."

"Okay, thank you." The barrister returned into the car, hoping they would be able to meet him in the office.

Humaira and the barrister had to go to his office right away. Clutch to her head, Humaira tried to regain her breath as whispered silently in tears. You have to be strong my dear. You wouldn't want the Alhaji to see you heartbroken like this, would you?"

Barrister Edward asked as she wiped away her tears.

"Good." He muttered and drove away.

On the other hand, Alhaji Musa's mind was at rest.

"I did a neat job indeed. I need some credit." He praised herself as she rolled on his executive, leather chair. He whooshed the air of relief and started doing some office work.

Meanwhile, Hadee woke up that morning, meeting himself in an unknown place. He looked around and he the saw faces of people he'd never met before; Mr Sheyi and his wife.

Hadee started crying and calling "Mama! Mamaaa!! Mamaaa!!!" But it seems his mother is nowhere to be found. They tried calming him down with everything. Desola even tried being with him but he cried louder and louder. It went on for hours and the old couple were confused about what to do.

Desola then convinced her husband to call the Alhaji and inform him about it.

"Hello, good morning Alhaji!" Mr. Sheyi greeted me over the phone

"Good morning, Mr. Sheyi. How is everything?"

"Fine o. Mayowa just woke up now and he's been crying. It's almost three hours now, even though we have him everything, he's still crying Mama! What should we do? If he goes on like this, he might catch a fever."

"Don't worry Mr. Sheyi. He's just not use to the environment that's why. I think he would adjust with time. Just give him drugs and take good care of him."

"Okay sure." Mr. Sheyi replied over the phone.

"If his body is running temperature just tell me. I would contact a very good doctor who would come and check on him."

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