Chapter 38: Doctor Zayn

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5 Days Later,

Zainab too got discharged. Although, the doctor advised that like a new born baby, she should be taken care of 24/7. He also warned that the incident that happened shouldn't repeat itself, else... She might lose her memory forever and nobody can say or predict what else would happen afterwards. All she needs right now is love, care, affection and lots of rest. Forcing her to remember the past or triggering her brain might cause permanent brain damage s. Aliyah is high risked now... I'm sure you understand what I mean ma'am." the doctor in charge explained to Mrs. Maikuddi.

"Yes doctor. I promise she wouldn't go through such pain ever again." She replied him before Zainab was finally discharged from the hospital.

With this, Zainab's health condition worsens. She only recognized Hajia Fati so she spends more time with her now, skipping work for later.

Khalid tried to approach her but Everytime their eyes meet, Zainab would start crying and shivering as if she's having relapses or so. With these, Hajia Fati warned him never to come closer to Aliyah or her room ever again. It's as if she would get a panic attack whenever she feels his presence.

That same day, Alhaji Umar Farouk Maikuddi, Khalid's dad came into the country. Hearing about the incident, he felt so heart broken and planned on sending Aliyah to India or China for treatment so, he called his personal doctor. But his doctor told him that she needs is time and understanding. Going through any surgery now would worsen things beyond repair.

Hearing this, Alhaji Maikuddi felt so disheartened. He couldn't believe his son did this. Someone he loved and trusted so much. But it was too late now, no matter how hard Khalid tried to beg his parents for forgiveness, they just turn deaf ears to him because this wasn't a small injury.

"Nevertheless Khalid, I've made up my mind. You wouldn't be going for your masters in India again for your theatre arts programme.
master's in acting and theatre arts at Film and Television Institute of India, Pune would be cancelled for now... It's off my schedule."

"What the fuck?!" His ears went deafstruck when he heard it.

"You'll be studying here in Nigeria, at the University of Abuja to be precised. There won't be a room of your nonchalant attitude anymore. It's my fault you got spoilt like this. But what is bad in sending my only son abroad to study? I wanted you to be the best... You're doing great academically but what is knowledge without wisdom?"

"! You can't do this to me. You promised to sponsor me in This is fucking bullshit dad!" He cried, defeated.

"Hey, Mister! Watch the kind of language you use in this house. I don't mind what you say outside but when you enter this house, or you're talking to me, drop that your fowl language in the streets, not here! Okay?!" He decleared.

"B...but dad!"

"If I hear you say those words again, I'll send you to kunchi to stay with your grandma! You would stay with her for a complete year and nothing would happen. If you don't change for the better, you'll continue staying there until you finally have sense!" Alhaji Maikuddi spat at his son.

Khalid couldn't mutter any more words. Although, he's the only child if his parents but sometimes, they could  be desciplinarians, treating him with force... Things that he didn't want. Especially his dad, Alhaji Maikuddi. He has great talent in making people bend to his rules. Sometimes, he could be the best dad alive while other times, he could just be... The worst.

Khalid didn't know what to say or how to convince his dad again. There was no point in convincing him anyways.
'It seems he has already made up his mind.' A voice muttered in Khalid's mind as he rolled his eyes in anger and locked himself into his room.

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