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I watched as the clouds move beneath me, getting glimpses of some houses and roads. It would be great to live up here. Soon, I hope.

I was staring at the window when the pilot announced that the plane was going to land. Finally, I thought.

"Please wait until the plane has fully stopped before you unfasten your seatbelt and do not leave your belongings behind....." and the pilot started talking about the time, weather and all that stuffs.

But as usual, no one listened and people started spilling out of their seats and taking out their bags in the cabins. The woman who was sitting beside me during the flight has already joined the line that has formed effortlessly. At this moment, people was either texting or calling.

I took off my seatbelt and pulled the sleeves of my black sweater until it goes past my fingers and clutched the soft fabric. Old habit of mine, it just makes me feel safer and more secure.

When the line started moving, I stood up and hanged my bag on my right shoulder. I waited until everyone had exited the plane. I stood on my tiptoes and took my small suitcase and started walking out.

"Thank you, have a nice day," one of the stewardess said with a smile as I exited the plane.

"You too," I said with a weak smile.

I was never the cheery type of person. I always preferred to stay away and don't get involve, probably because of my dark past. Maybe my terrible past made me what I am now. An ignorant, sad and depressed girl.

The airport here in California is way different from the one in New York, probably because New York's airports are always filled with people. I went to the exit and sat on an empty bench and turned on my phone, and there was a text from gramps.

It said:
"We're eating at McDonalds, we'll wait for you there"

I stood up, dragging my suitcase and went to look for McDonalds. I walked around and still no sign of McDonalds.

I was about to text gramps to ask where it is when this guy who was walking as fast as the wind crashed into me. I almost fell but I kept my balance and the only thing that fell was my phone.

He looked at me with his emerald green eyes, "Um, sorry."

He unzipped his backpack and took a paper and pen, "here, call me if you want me to change your phone."

And he rushed away.

Rude? First, he made me dropped my phone. Then he just gave me his number and rushed away.

This is why I don't understand people.

I shook my head and took my cracked phone. I opened the case and put the piece of paper the guy gave me inside and put the case back to my phone. At least I get to have a new phone, right?

I took my suitcase and started looking for McDonalds. After about 5 minutes of strolling around, I finally saw a yellow "McDonalds" sign. yay?

I approached the sign and could already smell the deliciousness from afar. I haven't eaten since yesterday but I hadn't feel hungry.

I had lost my appetite in eating and a lot of weight since that one incident happened. Once, I had to be hospitalize because I was to weak to even stand up.

I was just going to open the entrance door when a familiar voice called my name, "Noel?"

hiii! first chapter! what do u think? comment here:)

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