6.Just so you know, this is the girl's bathroom.

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His girlfriend.

I felt so stupid hanging out with him and thinking that I could somewhat be friends with him. She was right, girls like me don't hang out or quote 'belong with' popular boys like Nolan. I just can't believe that I thought that I would have a chance to start over, to have a better life. A miserable, bitter, unattractive girl like me hanging out with 'the' Nolan Anderson? Nooo, that's like agains the 'food-chain' law or something.

I'm so stupid.

I shook my head trying to shake off everything that just happened and just try to survive a year here, if it's even possible. Schools everywhere are just the same, isn't it? With cheerleaders and jocks on the top of the food chain an people like me on the bottom of it.

English wasn't too bad, Mr.James talked about the book 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen, which was on of my favorites. Nontheless, I still completely zoned out half of the class. I didn't even know why, it's not like Nolan is anybody special right? I just knew him for 2 days for God's sakes!

His confused and guilty face flashed through my mind, making it even harder to concentrate om what Mr.James was saying. I kind of like his company, you know? I almost never had someone by my side like that. But I really need to stay away, God knows what Stacey and her silicon friends have in mind if I don't stay away from him. They're probably plotting ways to kill me without anyone noticing.

When the lunch bell rang, I quickly packed my books and head to my locker, where Nolan was leaning casually with his trademark smirk beside it. I walked there and put my books inside my locker before walking straight to the , ignoring his entire presence.

"Hey hey," Nolan said catching up to me,"What's up? did I do something wrong?"

I ignored him and stayed silent. See? Ignoring people is just like a talent for me I could do it all day.

He gripped my arm and forced me to face him. "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Let me go Nolan," I said avoiding his eyes.

"Not until you explain to me what's wrong," he said his hand gripping tighter. From behind his shoulder I could see Stacey and some of her minions giving me death glares.

He looked back and loosen his grip a little, giving me a chance to escape, "Stay away Nolan, you have a girlfriend," I said before walking away to the cafeteria which was fully filled with students.

I grabbed my food and head to the benches and tables outside, since it was more peaceful. I sat where there were only about 5 people around; mostly studying or just sitting around. I poked my food repeatedly with my fork, not having the appetite to eat.

Out of nowhere, Jazz came and sat on the chair across from mine panting hard. I looked up to her and she was sweating so much some of her hair even got damp. Nonetheless, she still looked gorgeous as usual.

I just don't get how a girl like Jazz would want to hang out with me. She could definitely make the cut as the bitchy cheerleaders like Stacey.

"What happened to you?"

"I *breathe* have been *breathe* looking for *breathe* you everywhere," she said wiping off some of the sweats with the back of her hands.

"Can I have that?" She asked pointing on my ice tea and I nod.

"Where have you been?" She asked before taking a big gulp of the tea and making an 'ahhh' sound. I shrugged, not really wanting to talk and Jazz seemed to understand that.

I was taking a bite of my food and Jazz was ranting about some tea taste when the trio aka Nolan, Jonathan and Adrian came. Nolan took a seat beside me while the rest sat beside Jazz. What part of staying awad did he not understand?

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