7.Not one without the other

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The following weeks had been fine. Scratch that, it was better than fine. I has been around 3 weeks since I moved and I haven't cut aside for that once on the 1st day.

Aside from the glares, Stacey haven't made any more actions or try to talk to me. Nolan had been driving me every morning to school and driving me back home, even though I tried telling him that I'm capable of taking the bus.

Although he had been driving me for the past days, he had been so annoying and would constantly disturb me. For instance, he would poke my back in class and make me distracted and all, he would do some small pranks on me and just pull out some jokes. Nonetheless it made me feel more comfortable and it felt like the both of us had known each other for a long time.

Jazz and I had been really close, we practically walk from class to class together and ate lunch with the other 3 boys. Yep, I still wonder why they even want to be close to me. Jazz also explained that Nolan had never been in a real relationship, he just flirted everywhere which was such a jerky thing to do.

Aside from that, I got a job at Mandy's Diner to keep myself busy and to maybe get some extra cash since the money I was left with won't last for long.

"Ready?" Nolan popped up beside me a few minutes after the last bell rang. Thank God it's Friday.

I shut my locker close and hung my backpack on one of my shoulder. "Actually, no."

His smirk disappeared and his face fell, I bit my lips to control myself from laughing at his expression. I guess I forgot to tell him that I got a job. "What?"

"Just kidding, today's my first day working. I got a job." I informed him and his face went back to normal but still a little shock.

"I got a jo-"

"I heard you." He cut me off. "Where? Why didn't you tell me?"

I chuckled at his curiosity, "Mandy's Diner, it never came up I guess."

He opened his mouth to reply but Jonathan a.k.a Nathan or I like to call Nat and Adrian came out of the blue. "Hey," they both said in sync. Nat looked at Adrian in a flirty way and gave him a wink whilst Adrian rolled his eyes and pretended to gag.

I chuckled at them.

"God, I miss Jazz," Nat said as he leaned his head to one of the locker. If you're wondering, Jazz coughed a cold so she can't possibly come to school. The halls were clearing up, but I still can spot some people looking at our direction. I got a lot of attention lately, some people even made a rumor that I was dating all 3 of the boys. That don't even make sense.

Adrian shook his head ad patted Nat's back, "Twins. Not one without the other."

Nat elbowed him lightly and asked, "So, want to go out?"

I looked at Nolan and he took a glance at me, "Can't I'm going to accompany her at work."

I shot a look at him, "What?!" I don't recall asking him to go to work with me, that would be bad and uncomfortable for some reason.


Remember that time when I said that having Nolan on my first day of school would be uncomfortable? Well imagine how I feel right now, all three of the boys decided to join me to work. At first I refused but then Nat said that he was hungry and wanted to eat.

So here I am, cleaning tables while 3 of the most popular boys at school are chattering, laughing and would constantly look in my direction just a few tables from me.

Not that I care about the whole popularity thing.

Mandy was a woman around her 50's with a son who is the manager of the diner. Both of them has red hair and green eyes, and also super kind. The other workers - Ben the chef, Amanda, and Jonas my fellow waiter-waitress - was also kind and friendly.

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