9. I can explain

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So I was thinking either to do another Nolan's POV or just write in the usual Noel's POV... So I decided to write half Nolan's and the other half Noel's POV..

And I have a very important Author's note at the end!

This chapter is dedicated to @Englishaber

for her awesome comments and for being a great person!


Nolan's POV

I knocked on the door and tapped my foot on the ground lightly as I waited for a response. The door flung open, revealing Noel. She was wearing her usual outfit, a black jeans and a cute sweater - and I was beyond grateful that she didn't decide to wear a fancy dress or something, since there are no point in this dinner.

Although she was wearing a casual outfit, she added a little effort on her hair and curled some pieces. She stepped out of the house and closed the door slowly.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Shh, Gran and Gramps are asleep."

We walked towards my car and I opened the passengers seat for her. "Milady." I joked as I gestured her to come in.

And of course, she wouldn't be Noel without rolling her eyes at me. Dang that cute eyeroll.

I flicked through the radio until I found a decent radio station and drove away back to my house. At first Noel insist on going to my house herself because she told be that it wouldn't be 'reasonable' for me to go out from my house to pick her up and go back to my house. But nonetheless, I won the argument.

I parked on the empty space in front of my white and blue house, I mentally sighed in relief that my brother wasn't home - yet.


"Wow this tastes great, where did you get these?" Noel took another bite of the risotto.

"I have my ways." I shrugged. Dinner has gone smoothly, we talked - a lot. Noel is even more interesting every time we meet, it's like you'll never get bored around her. How could anyone be this interesting and well, clumsily entertaining.

We were talking about how the word 'risotto' was made when we heard the front door open and footsteps approaching us. Dang, the devil's home.

"I'm home, brotha!" A voice called from behind me.

Noel's jaw was ajar as she looked at me and the person behind me, I grinned at her reaction.

A hand was paced on my shoulder, "Aren't you gonna introduce me?"

I stood up and glanced at my brother who was smirking devilishly. "Noel, meet my twin brother Noah."


"So Noel, what is it like to be with my baby bro here?" Noah not-so-lightly patted by back.

"Um, we're not together." She shifted awkwardly on her seat and took a gulp of her water.

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