11. Maybe you were too distracted by the greek god in front of you

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"A bar?" I asked questioningly as Adrian parked his car in front of a brick building a little further from where we live. There's a big shining sign that says "Rochelle Bar and Restaurant" right on top of the front door. The parking lot was not that crowded, probably around four to five cars.

"Hey, don't judge it till you get inside. You'll like it." He assured me as he turned off the engine and hopping off the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt just before Adrian opened the door for me.

"Your highness." He joked as he beckoned me to get out of the car and into the cool breeze of November. I crossed my arms around my chest in attempt to keep my body warm as we walked inside the lit up bar.

Adrian was right, the bar wasn't full of drunken sweaty people dancing in the dance floor as I had expected. It was kind of... cozy? There are a few people playing cards, a man with a book in hand and a beer in the other, and some teenage boys playing pool.

"Adrian!" A middle-aged women squeaked as she approached us. She has dark curly hair that reach her shoulders, she looks cheery and her dark eyes shines as she hugged Adrian.

I stood beside them awkwardly until they pulled apart. "Hi Em." Adrian greeted with a boyish grin.

"Who's this girl?" The 'Em' woman asked, looking at me with a curious look.

Adrian looked at me and smiled. "Em, this is Noel. Noel this is Emily Rochelle, she owns this place with his husband."

I offered my hand for her to shake, but instead she pulled me into one of her bone-crushing hug. I reluctantly hugged her back whilst Adrian chucked from beside me.

"Okay, that's enough Em. The poor girl needs to breathe." Adrian laughed and patted Emily's back as she pulled away and I gasped for air.

How I love oxygen.

"I better get back to work!" Emily announced. "Nice meeting you, Noel. Make yourself at home." She gave Adrian a little wink before walking away back to what I think is the kitchen.

He shrugged and grabbed my wrist as he pulled me to a table beside a window. "Don't mind Em, she can be a little weird."

I chuckled. "She's great."

He rolled his eyes and shot me a smile. One thing that I noticed is that Adrian smiles a lot, unless he's in school. So I'm guessing that bad boys don't smile, huh?

"What are you thinking about?"

My head shot up to see Adrian observing me intensely.


He raised an eyebrow but decided to let it drop. "Alrighty then."

Emily appeared with a bright smile on her face and handed us the menu. "So, what do you two kids want for tonight?"

I scanned the menu and my eyes was intrigued by mac and cheese. "I'll have a mac and cheese."

"One mac and cheese." Emily repeated.

Adrian put down the menu like he's memorized all of it. "I'll have a burger with extra cheese, no tomatoes, fries and.."

"A caramel milkshake with vanilla ice cream on top." Emily continued Adrian's sentence. "Some people never change."

"Actually," Adrian pointed out. "That would be two milkshakes."

"Alright, be back in a sec." Emily said before strolling away.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What? You should try their milkshake, it's heaven on earth."

"It's not that, I just never though you would order a milkshake with ice cream. Especially not in a bar." I explained.

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