16. I love you

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My eyes fluttered open and close, my vision very blurry, my head pounding in pain and my wrists stinging.

I blinked a couple of times, until my vision got clearer. My head felt like it was constantly being stabbed by a knife, whilst my wrists stings like it's electrocuted.

I was in my room, which relieved me a little, since I despise hospitals, I just hate it so much.

But my Grandparents.

How if they know?

They can't know.

I started panicking and my breathing got heavier as I tried to sit up–which I can't since my wrists hurts too bad.

I heard footsteps approaching me but I didn't bother to look who it is since I was really in panic mode. Nolan's face appeared in sight as he calmingly stroked my hair.

"Shh, it's fine. They don't know."

I sighed and lay back to my bed, so relieved that my Grandparents doesn't know.

But now, Nolan does.

Which isn't a really good thing, since he would ask a bunch of questions, and the thing is, I have never told anyone what happened. I just don't feel comfortable telling it to anyone. It's not something that happens everyday.

Nolan handed me a glass of water, I took my time drowning it since my throat feels like there's a bunch of needles whenever I swallow.

"Can you help me sit up?" I asked after he placed the empty glass bon my bedside table. He nodded and placed a pillow behind me before helping me to sit.

"You can sit, you know." I said, patting the space beside me. He smirked and sat beside me, giving enough distance between us.

I looked into space and recalled the events that happened.

Nolan asking Jazz out.

Logging in into Facebook.

Reading Daniel's message.

The razor.


"Noel?" Nolan called.

I blinked a couple of times and looked at him, he was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Um, yeah?"

I bit on the bottom of my lips, worried that he'll ask the question. I don't know what to say?

Does he expect me to like open up or something?

"Noah did it."


"The bandages, I mean." He explained. I look back down at my wrist that's neatly bandaged, with a few tints of blood on the white bandage.

"It looks very neat." I stated.

Nolan chuckled. "Yeah, he was smart and got into medical school, so he does that kind of stuff."

I nodded, although I have never imagined Noah as someone that goes to medical school. "How about...?" I trailed off. I felt exhausted and drained, though I probably just slept for a long time.

"Your grandparents?" He added in my un finished question. "Don't worry, I've got it covered. But now I think you need to get some rest, I'll wake you up in the morning with breakfast." He said with a caring smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Morning? "What time is it?"

"Um.." He pulled out his phone from his pocket. "2.50AM."

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