19. Happy Birthday!

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"Happy Birthday!"

The voice almost made me jump from where I was sitting. It was early Sunday morning, the day of Christmas and my 18th birthday. I was at home reading a book on the couch.

I looked beside me where Nolan is seated, grinning at me from ear to ear. The past few days I've been spending a lot of time with Nolan, he's been coming over to check up on me–which is unnecessary.

And also because Adrian went on a sudden trip to Minnesota to visit his family for Christmas. He almost canceled the trip because of my birthday and stuff but I told him to go and it's fine.

"Jesus, you almost gave me a hear attack." I said to him.

"But you didn't." He pointed out. "C'mon it's your 18th birthday, you should do something fun!"

"Like what?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Things people do when they turn 18."

"Like get a tattoo or a piercing?" I asked. "Yeah no, I'll pass."

He blew his breath–a little too dramatically. "You're no fuuuun." He said in a sing-song-voice.

"Mhm." I hummed, focusing back on my book. Personally, I don't really like birthdays and I think it's really overrated and I just want it to end.

But it was only like 8AM so I still have a lot of time to kill.

I planned to read a book or two and then have Christmas-Birthday dinner with Gran and Gramps.

They went to a family's house, I was invited of course but I refused because I didn't know them very well anyway. They're the type of relatives that you've met when you're still a kid but have no clue who the hell they are now.

So I prefer not to go.

The book in my hand was snatched away from me.

"Hey! What was that for?" I scolded at Nolan who took my book.

"Get ready." He said. "I'm not going to let you spend your birthday reading a book that was written two hundred years ago with big words that no one understands."

At first I refused and told him that the book was really good–even though it was a really old book. We had a debate which consisted of me refusing to go and him telling me that he doesn't want to hear me saying 'no' anymore.

But of course, because Nolan is the most stubborn person this entire universe, he won.

I got up and walked up to my room in a lazy posture–slumping and walking at an incredibly slow manner. But Nolan pretended that he didn't notice it by busying himself on a show that was playing on the TV.

I didn't showered because I just did when I woke up. So I just put on a grey sweater on top of the white t-shirt that I was wearing and changed my pajama pants with some jeans.

I loosen my hair out of its bun and let it fall stiffly on my shoulders in messy waves. I didn't bother to put on make-up so I just put some baby lips since my lips gets really dry on cold days like this.

I took my bag and coat on the way out of my room.

Nolan was still occupied by the show that he was watching earlier so he didn't realize that I had came down. So I took the opportunity to make fun of him.

I tip-toed toward him trying my best to not make any sound. The TV was going pretty loud so it's quite easy to do so.

Once I reached he couch I placed both hands on his shoulders attackingly. "Boo!"

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