20. It's time for cake!

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Out of no where Adrian came running and hugged me, the hug where my feet isn't even making any contact to the floor. He's basically lifting me.

I squealed in surprise. "I thought you went to Minnesota!"

He put me down and smiled shyly. "I lied." And kissed my cheek. "But happy birthday!"

Then Jazz came hugging me and a bunch of people that I probably don't know came and said happy birthday to me.

I smiled, I've never thought that anyone would throw a surprise party for me.

I feel very lucky.

I looked to my side and say Nolan holding hands with Jazz. Jazz was talking to a girl while Nolan was smiling widely at me.

I smiled back.

And happy.

For once I feel somewhat happy.

It feels really nice.

"C'mon! It's time for cake!" Nat said, tugging my arm and pulling me to the kitchen where everyone had gathered.

I stood behind the dining table where there was a cake that says "Happy Birthday Noel" on it. I was surrounded by a bunch of people looking at me whilst singing 'happy birthday'.

I stood there feeling very awkward.

Not long later, it was time for me to make a wish.

I want to be happy.  I thought in my mind before blowing all the candles and everybody cheered.

I smiled as Jazz started to cut the cake and sharing it to everyone. I wasn't that hungry and it was so crowded here so I walked out of the kitchen.

"So, what do you think?" Adrian said, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Hm, it's great." I said with a smile. "Did you plan all of this?"

He shrugged. "Well, sort of. With the help of Jazz, Nat and Nolan too of course."

"Thanks." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"I like you better when you're smiling." He said with a grin. "C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone!"

We walked around, Adrian introducing me to a bunch of people (which I doubt I will remember half of them) and people shaking my hand, saying happy birthday to me.

The 'birthday surprise' the turned into a party over time, and yes, a party with alcohol, horny teenagers and stuff. And more people.

I grabbed a water bottle and went to the back yard where there was less people, well maybe some people here and there but its much better that being inside.

I haven't seen Jazz or Nolan or Nat anywhere. And Adrian met some of his friends, he wanted to come with me back here but I told him that he should just hang with his friends.

I sat on one of the benches and took a sip of my water and looked up. The sky is filled with stares and as cliché as this sounds, I find it very calming.

"So, how does it feel being 18?" A voice asked and looked beside me and saw Nolan sitting there.

"I feels tiring." I replied and he looked at me with confusion. "You know, I've stayed alive for 18 years which is 6570 days, that's um.. 157680 hours. Which is a lot."

He raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes I forget how smart you are."

I rolled my eyes and looked back up, so did he. We stayed there, saying nothing, only hearing the muffled music from inside and staring up at the infinite.

"Um.. Thanks." I said after a few minutes of silence and looked at him. He looked back at me with those shining green eyes.

"For what?"

We were so close, and he looked stunning. It was dark so I couldn't really see his face clearly since it's dark but his green eyes shone really bright. I wonder how he got those eyes that's very.... Green.

I didn't even notice us inching closer that I can feel his breath fanning my face.

I looked at him for another moment before I snapped back to real life.

I pulled back awkwardly.

"Um.. for the party." I said. "Um.. i.. um gotta go inside and.. to.. um.. Adrian. Yep. He's there and he's probably looking for me.'" I managed to choke those words before walking back inside.

I want to mentally slap myself for my awkwardness.

"Noel!" A voice screamed from the loud music.

I looked back and at first I thought that it was Nolan but then I noticed the different haircut and realized that it was Noah.

I should start learning their differences.

"Hi Noah." I said.

"Happy birthday!" He said, hugging me. "Oh yeah! I want to introduce you to someone!"

He pulled me though the crowd and to the kitchen, where it's not that crowded anymore since people went to the living room which have turned into the dance floor.

"Ella!" He called and a blonde turned her head to face us. She was very pretty, she looked my age but more mature in a way. She had straight short blonde hair that reached her shoulders.

"Hey!" She said with a bright smile.

"Ella, this is Noel." Noah introduced.

"Hi." I said, shaking her hand.

"Oh! Hi! You look prettier than what Nolan explained." She said.

He talked about me?

Noah gave her a look. "Oops." She said with a giggle. "Happy birthday though!"

"Thanks." I replied with a small smile.

Noah shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Oh stop rolling your eyes, jackass, you love me anyways." Ella said to Nolan.

He smirks and kissed her cheek. "Yeah I do."

I must admit, they're very cute.

Noah went to get a drink, leaving me with Ella.

"Ugh, I miss high school parties like this." She said. "but it's pretty hard since I have a baby and all."

I chuckled.

Ella turned out to be very... bubbly and nice. I spent most of the night with her and she showed me some of her son's picture. He's still a few months old though.

But I can see that he has Ella's olive brown eyes. He's very cute.

I spent the night laughing.

And I was happy.

I wasn't worrying.

Or thinking about the past.

I hope this feeling stays for a long time.

hola! i really like this chapter what about u? thoughts about ella?
and i think in the next chapters there will me bits and pieces of Noel's past so stay tuned!


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