10.She can say anything she wants, it's a free country

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"No thanks, I don't need an explanation anyways." I said dryly. "I was going to apologize but it turned out that you were quite occupied, sorry for interrupting though."

I shut close my locker after taking out my History book and my pencil case. I turned my attention back to Nolan who was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly beside me.

"It's not what it looks like."

"It's not my business." I coldly said before turning my back to walk to History. After a few steps, I turned back around to see Nolan still staring at my direction. "Oh Nolan? Next time you want to make out with someone, don't do it in front of my locker." I gave him a cold smile before walking away.

Well the day didn't go with a good start, did it?

I made my way to History, I just want to get through today and go home. Mondays are never good to me. I passed Stacey and her little skanks, she gave me a glare which I simply ignored by walking past her.

A few steps past them, Stacey finally spoke up. "Hey Noel!"

I clenched my hand so hard that I'm guessing it's probably white by now. I heard footsteps and not long after, Stacey's make-up filled face appeared in front of me.

I had enough stuff happening to destroy my mood today, and now she decide to show up?


My life is just a walking catastrophe.

"Stacey." I acknowledged her presence.

She gave me a fake overacted smile and observed my whole attire. I was currently wearing a grey hoodie above a plain white t-shirt with black jeans and converse. I decided to just let my hair loose, since I can't find where my hair band is.

"You're outfit is just... interesting." She said looking at me

disgustingly. "Where did you get it? A hobo's closet?" She smirked in satisfaction as some of her minions giggled behind me.

I clenched my fist harder, which caused my nail to dig on my skin. But I didn't really care, she was really getting to my nerves right now.

"Get a life, Stacey." I walked pass her, purposely hitting her shoulders with mine.

"What did you just said?"

I turned around so that I was now facing her annoyed face. "I just told you to get a life, didn't you hear?"

She gritted her teeth, yeah she's pissed. "You can't say that to me!"

I was about to fire back when a overly familiar voice cut me off.

"She can say anything she wants, it's a free country."

I looked behind me and saw Adrian with a calm victory smirk printed on his face. "Though I agree with her, get a life." He added.

Stacey's mouth was slightly gaped open as she rolled her eyes and walked away back to her little group of barbies who was glaring intensely at me.

A smile made its way to my face as I turned to Adrian who was calmly watching me. "Thanks, I owe you."

He shrugged and walked with me to class. "She annoys me too so it's technically a win-win thing."

As we walked through the halls, my eyes roamed for Nolan. We haven't left in the best place since last night and what I just said earlier. I figure that what I said to him was too harsh and needed to apologize, yet he's nowhere to be found.

"Thanks again." I said as we took our seat in History. We were the only ones in the class, since it doesn't start in about ten minutes.

He shrugged and was silent for a while, his then looked up at me with a sly smirk. "What?" I asked.

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