Slender looked at me. To be honest I didn't know if he would yell in anger or scream with excitement.
When stood up and walked out or the room, into the living room. I followed.
He picked up a pillow and put it over his...'face'. He screamed like a fangirl. To be honest, I have never seen slendy so happy.
Once he was finished we walk is back into his study calmly.
"How did u convince her?!" He asked obviously hiding his excitement.
"I- I, uhh. I don't know." I said truthful
"What happened??" He asked seeming to calm down a little
"We were just sitting there and she asked if you could stop by so she can ask u if we have room for one more person" I said
"Ok, well. I'll stop by there in an hour or so. You should probably get some rest, you have a big job to do tonight.
I did as I was told.
About 2:30 I went over to Wests house. I didn't know if she would be there, but sometimes she ditches and has someone cover for her.
I climbed the large tree and climed into her room. I heard a girl screaming in her dads room.
West. What is that sick bastard doing to her??
Right before I knocked the door down, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and took a swing. A hard swing.
"West?" I said panicking.
"West, come on, get up." I picked her up bridal style and took her up to her room. I layed her on her bed.
"West come on, get up, please." What the hell did I do? I should have known it was her nasty-ass dad. Why the fuck did I do that. What if I really hurt her?
All of these questions stuck in my head.
I go to the bathroom to get some gauz and alcohol. I should do this before she wakes up so she wont feel it too much.
I poured the alcohol on the gauz. I patted the cut on her cheekbone, and the split in her lip. Damn, I busted her up pretty bad.
"I'm so sorry West" I whisper to myself.
I get some tissues and wipe away the blood pouring from her nose. I sit her up so the blood can come out of her nose. I held the tissue over her nose. When the bleeding stopped, I layed her back down.
She's been knocked out for about 30 minutes, I'm getting worried.
I go to the bathroom to get a cup of water for her. When I come back she is sitting up.
"West!!!" I said thankful that she is ok.
"Jeff? Wha.. What happend?" She asked looking around
"Uhh, I uh.. Kinda punched you. I'm so sorry West." I look down in disipointment.
She chuckled a little bit.
I look at her confused as to why she is laughing.
"Again?" She asked.
"Wow.. That hurt" I said
"I was just kidding jeff, if u didn't have done what u did, I never would have met u guys. I'm really happy that u did actually"
I tried to fake a smile, but I obviously failed.
She hugged me.
"I love you jeff"
"I love you too West." I said back to her (like brother and sister, I don't want u guys getting the wrong idea)
"I'm really sorry West. If it wasn't for me, you would have a normal life." I tried to apologise.
"Oh yeah, 'the girl that killed her mother whos dad is a prostitute, alcoholic, and a pot head.' Totally normal, jeff." She said sarcastically as if it would be a headline of a news paper.
I chuckled at her remark.
"Hey Jeff?" She asked
"What?" I asked too
"Can u tell me.. You know, that happend?"
I frowned a little bit at the memory.
"I guessing could, but don't you want to see your face?" I asked trying not to be offencive.
"It can wait" she said smiling, but then her lip started bleeding again. She put her finger on her lip.
"Wow, how attractive is that?" She asked getting some tissue.
"Can u tell me now, please?" She started pouting while looking at me with puppy dog eyes and her lip sticking out.
I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit.
"You were about 3 years old. Slendy gave me an assignment to kill your dad. When I saw u, I just had an immediate connection with u, idk what it was about you, but I felt like I knew u for forever. I went into your dads room and drew my knife out. I cut His shoulder just so he would wake up. I headed u scream in the doorway. It wasn't me, it wasnt jeff... It was jeff the killer, there's a difference."
She smirked at my attempt to get the point across.
"I put my knife away and came over to u and punched you, a few times. When I thought you were dead..."
I felt guilt and regret come across me. Wait Wtf.. An I crying?? Ewe gross, I am. I whipped my face.
West laughed.
"Not funny.." She Tried to recover and make herself look innocent.
I rolled my eyes and continued.
" I walked over to your dad who was trembling in the corner. By then I realized it was sunrise, I couldn't risk getting caught. To save myself, I called the ambulance. I told them that u guys got beat up. Then I ran away.. Ever since, slender said that u always asked about me. We know u already knew about us, so we all just introduced ourselves."
"Thank you jeff."
I looked at her shocked and confused.
"My life would be boring and dull without you guys."
I think if i was... Human, I would be blushing.
She got out a box and put her art work and music CDs in.
"What are u doing?" I asked curiously.
"Slendy said I can move in any time, why not tonight?"
*hey guys, sorry if this chapter is a little short, but a lot was said and done. Oh, Btw, the girl in the pic is kinda how imagine west. I really hope u guys like it so far. Sorry to leave u on a cliff hanger, so much could happen, but I have ideas. If u have any comments or suggestions, please tell me. Remember to vote, comment, and enjoy☺

Perfect Weapon
De TodoEverything is normal at the slendermancion... well, at least normal for them. slender is in his study working, and his proxies are out killing, like usual. but one of the proxies makes a mistake. Will he be banned? killed? maybe, he could become a...