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Hey, sorry its been so long since ive updated, but ive been taking trips to my home town almost every weekend and ive been busy and, yeah. Hope you like it so far.
Pierce- ugh! this sucks ass!
Blaze- Church isnt that bad..
Jay- No blaze, u dont understand.
Ace- Its torcher!
Pierce- Preach!!!
me- tf..?
Roxy- ... idk.
Pierce- after church,u guys wanna hang out?
Jay- Hell ya.
Ace- sure.
Blaze- i cant, im still at the hostpital.
Roxy- sounds good. how is Carter doing?
Blaze- shes doing a lot bettet, there thinking about releasing her on tuesday.
Jay- Omg i cant wait. i miss her so much!
Pierce- yeah. i miss her too..
Roxy- i think we all do.
me- yeah.
Roxy- hey West, u hangin out with us today?
me- i uhh,i cant. im going to try to talk to CC again, but idk how it will work out. maybe later tho?
Ace- ok. cool.
Jay- bitch, good luck.
Blaze- lol your really starting to get those gay qualities, its adorable.
Roxy- it is pretty great. lol
me- lol tru, i gtg. see ya.
Blaze- Carter said hi and bye. and she loves and misses you guys. she wants u to come and see her. lol.
Pierce- i will tomorrow. we love you too Carter!!!
Ace- ill be there too
Jay- i be there.
Me- same. we love you too.
Roxy- ill be there tomorrow. love you girl.

sorry really short chapter. ive been traveling a lot and im actually still traveling. im going to my hometown for a few weeks, so i have no idea how often i will be updating. sorry guys. hope u like it, if anyones actually reading it.. but  yeah. thank you, please vote, comment, and subscribe

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