*Wests' POV.*
I woke up the next morning fully clothed on my bed. I was waring my black yoga pants and a vans tank top.
I looked around my room, jeff wasnt there.
Ok.. this is weird. Where is Jeff? Then i remembered everything.
I slowly oppend my door and say Toby sitting aguinst the wall on the other side of the hall asleep.
I turned to close my door, and when i turned around, Toby was standing up looking at me.
He wasnt waring his mask, goggles, or mouth gaurd. He looked really nice, you know.. without all of the stuff. His hair was messy, but it looked good. His face was a little bit cut up.
We both studied eachother before he hugged me.
I hugged him back, he saved me from what i was scared of most.. being hurt by the people i love.
"Im so s-sorry West." He barely studdered. He was shaking a lot, more like ticking.
"No, thank you, oh my god thank you" i said before crying and falling to my knees as i remembered exactly what happend.
We were both on our knees, both refusing to break the hug. We were both crying. I dont know why Toby was crying.. maybe he just felt bad for me.
I heard foot steps comming up the stairs. Me and Toby jumped up quickly and started whiping our tears away.
Jeff stood there staring at us before be pulled me into a hug.
"Oh my god. West, i am so so sorry. What was i thinking. Im such an idiot." He hugged me tightly.
I just kinda stood there awkwardly.
"Jeff.. let me go." I worked up the courage to say.
"West. I am sorry. I dont know what happend. I was drunk as fuck. I wasnt thinking streight-" he began.
"Jeff, what happend happend. Weather you were drunk or not. It still happend. And i will never forget it. I will forgive u eventually, but i will never forget." I blurted and walked downstairs.
I grabbed my my chimical romance bad and knocked on slendys door.
"Hey dad, im going out." I said. I dont have to tell him that im leaving, but hes my dad, and i respect that.. i think he deserves to know.
"Oh, thats a shame. I was hoping you and Jeff could spend some time with Toby." He said with a disapointing tone.
"Well, Toby can come.. but i uhh, i think jeff is busy." I made up an excuse.
"Where are you going?" He asked worried about Toby.
"Just to a friends house. If he doesnt ware a mask or anything, he wont be noticed." I said hopimg Slender would let him go.
"How long have you known this friend?" He asked looking up.
"I dont know, a few days, since the beguining of school." I said.
"I suppose he could, under one condition." He said.
"I want to meet this friend of yours." He said.
"Wa-what..? I thought-" i begain.
"I know, i said no friends in the house, but Expressionless hase made me realise that having a teenage daughter means teenage friends."
"So.. your ok with them knowing..?" I asked.
"How many is them?" He questioned.
"Umm.. 6" i answered.
"Can you trust them?"
"Of course." I answered.
"Good. There comming over for dinner next friday."
"Oh-uh.. ok"
*walking with Toby*
"Will u just tell me where were going?" Toby asked.
"Out" i smiled.
"Yeah, 'out' isnt really a place im supossed to go." He said.
"It is now.." i said as we reached the end of the woods.
I turned to him and took off his mask and goggles. He already had is mouthgaurd out because he was talking. I put the. In my bag and held it open for him to pit his mouthgaurd in.
He shook his head.
"Your really convincing.." he said and dropped them in.
"Please, im not even trying." I smiled and we began walking to Roxys house.
I knocked on the door.
"Are you crazy?!?! What if i get expossed..?" Toby whispered before the door flung open.
"Hey West!" Mrs. Thomas (Roxys mom) greeted me with a hug.
"Hey Mrs. Thomas" i greeted.
"Ohh! You brought a friend?" She said studying Toby.
Toby looked nervious and began ticking.
"Yeah, his name is Toby. Hes one of the guys my Dad adopted.. he wanted to get out of the house." I said.
"Oh, well thats no problem" she said. She had a happy perky voice and a can-do aditude.
She invited us in and we walked up the stairs to Roxys room where everyone was sitting.
"Oh my god. Where have u been??" Roxy asked and hugged me.
"Sorry guys, had a.. family emergency." I said and sat on the bed.
"Oh, this is Toby."
"Your dad adopt him?" Carter asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Wait.." Roxy said holding her hands up.
"Jeff.. Toby.. im convinced.." she looked at toby who was ticking.
"Roxy.. you've got to be kidding" Ace shook his head.
I smerked.
"Anyways, Toby, this is Roxy, Pierce, Ace, Carter, Blaze, and Jay." I said pointing to everone. "This is the gang.." i smiled to him.
"Toby, relax.. he already knows. We talked about it already." I whispered to toby above the chattering.
"Anyways, West, where have u been? We've all tried to call you like a hundret times."
"Oh.. i guess i uhh, left my phone." I said.
"Toby will you tell slendy i left my phone?" I asked trying to whisper, but failed..
"Slendy? Ok, Gurl.. im on Roxys side now.. whats up?" Jay said.
By then all attention was on my and Toby.
Shit. I need to be quieter, well i guess there going to find out anyways..
"Ok, fine. If you want to know whats going on, meet me by the edge of the woods friday night. "
"Wait-what?" Toby asked.
"Hey. Im just following orders" i smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to text Slendy.
*about 2 hours of talking and watching Frozen..*
"LET IT GO! LET IT GO! CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!" We all sang and laughed.
"OH NO! I CANT HOLD IT BACK ANY MORE-OH GAWD!" pierce said and turned around and shot milk at us.
"Cummon man" Ace laughed at his pun.
We all looked at eachother, covered in milk, and laughed.
Toby only got a little bit of milk on his shirt, but laughed about it.
He actually looked like he was having fun. He was laughing and he talked sometumes, i think hes still a little bit too shy right now.
"Hey, im going to stay here tonight" i tell Toby.
"Ok, but you dont have your phone." Toby said.
"Ill just get it tomorrow. Ill use Roxys phone if i need anything."
"Ok, just be careful. Ill see ya at home." Toby said before he got up.
"Ok. See ya."i said.
"See ya later Toby" everyone teased in a flirting voice.
"Shut up" i blushed.

Perfect Weapon
RandomEverything is normal at the slendermancion... well, at least normal for them. slender is in his study working, and his proxies are out killing, like usual. but one of the proxies makes a mistake. Will he be banned? killed? maybe, he could become a...