*Tobys POV*
I sat on Wests bed as she dug in her closet for cloths.
"i need more cloths" West sat down on the flore randomly, she does that a lot actually.. i dont know why, but i find it adorable.
"you have a ton of cloths." i smiled to myself.
"that isnt enough" she looked at me, she wore her hair in a messy bun and had her black framed glasses on.
i shook my head and smiled.
"it is 7 at night, why dont you just put some sweatpants on or something?"
"most of them have holes in them, in the worst places might i add, and the ones that dont are dirty."
"just wear some of mine." i shrugged helping her up.
"you sure?" she asked.
"yes im sure" i smiled down at her.
"thank you" she smiled up at me. shes so short, its cute.
i kissed her nose and led her into "my room.
There are shirta and sweatpants on the third drawer in my clothset, get what ever you want"
she reached in and grabbed a pair of joe boxer plaid sweatpants.
"these ok?" she asked.
"yea, they might be a little big, just role the waist down and they should fit better."
"thank you." she smiled at me before pecking my lips and walking into the bathroom.
She takes forever in the shower when she's stressed. i mean, what in the hell could you possobly do for and hour in a half in a shower..? i dont care anyways, its kinda adorable. everything about her is adorable though.. i want to do something special for her before the pastas come back. maybe an actual date?*Wests POV.*
~shower thoughts~
i wish i could have everyone over when ace gets here, but i dont want to put them in danger with the whole Zalgo thing.
i really wish me and Toby had more time alone like this, it is really nice, but i think it would be too dangerous, especially since the whole thing with the hickeys i am definitely not ready to be a parent.
i smerked at my thoughts and got out of the shower, i got dresed, brished my hair and teeth and walked into my bedroom to get socks.
"hey babe" toby hugged my from behind wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.
i smiled, literally the best feeling in the world is being hugged from behind.
"hey" turned around and kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"what do you wanna do tonight?" he asked.
"im busy tonight" i signed.
"what are you doing?" he asked seeming concerned.
"im just busy, ill be ok, dont worry" i smiled at him and kissed his nose.
"west, i understand that you need your space, and there's some things you have to do alone.. but please, please let me be with you tonight. i just need to know that you will be safe." he said caressing my cheek with his warm hand.
"okay, but you cant get mad."
he shook his head "as long as your safe"
i walked into slenders study and got a few books and oppened them pulling out a few things to make elixirs.
"damn, this elixer is messed up.." i shook my head reading it.
"why?" toby looked at me from the chair in the corner.
"~3 drops of children's tears
~the broken heart of a teenage girl
~the happiest mans smile
~1 drop of blood of a newborn child"
"what the hell?" toby asked standing up.
"what are you doing anyways?" he read the title.
"Summoning Zalgo"
"West-" he started.
"i know, i know, but i really don't want to hear it. im sorry, i know you just want to protect me and all, but i have to do this- i have to" i noticed tears falling from my eyes. what the fuck, why am i crying?.. ok, im an emotional reck..
Toby hugged me without saying another word.
*a few moments of hugging and crying later*
"okay, can you help me get these things?"i asked toby.
he looked at me and shrugged.
"sweet, lets go." i said before grabbing some small viles to keep the blood and tears in. *(that sounded healthy)*
*walking though the woods*
"ok, first" i looked at the book "we need 3 drops of children's tears." i looked at toby eho was ticking a bit.
i held his hand and smiled at him.
we got to a house and toby stopped
"west, please stay out here" i could never kill a kid so i have to be careful not get cought.
i noded "okay, what are you going to do?" i asked him.
"just going to scare her enough to get tears." he said adjudging his mask and goggles. he walked to the house.
i sat out in the back yard behind a tree studying the book- what could be "the happuest mans smile"? i heard a scream and cringed a bit.
a few moments later Toby came out with the tears.
"whats n-next?" he asked ticcing quite a bit more.
"the broken heart of a teenage girl" i read to him.
"y-your lucky i l-love you, i h-hate killing kids and t-teenagers."
"i love you too" i smiled and stood on my tippey toes to kiss him.
i put the vile in my bag, after making sure it was closed.
we went to another house, its kinda helpful, toby still being mortal because he studies all the time and knows everyone around here and how they feel, and what there going through and probaby everywhere else too.
we got to the next house.
"this i-is the o-one" he said
i nodded, kissed his nose, and went behind the house. i heard screams continuously making me cringe.
a few moments later toby came out holding the heart.he quickly put it in the container and we ran into the woods for a moment to hide.
"n-next?" he looked at me seeming rushed.
"the happiest mans smile?" i read.
"what does that even mean?" i asked him.
he shrugged. "t-teeth?"
"i guess we'll try it." i shrugged. toby lead me to the next house quickly.
"I'll be b-back" he kissed my cheek and walked away as i walked to the back of the house.
i heard screams, but i lacked the feeling to cringe.
he came out with teeth in a vile.
"l-last one?" he asked viewing the book from ovee my sholder. he was breathing heavily down my neck. i looked at him and smiled.
"what?" he asked.
"nothing" i smiled and looked away. i really really love him, im so lucky to have him, what guy woule ever literally kill for their girlfriend?
snap out of it.
i looked at the book. "1 drop of blood of a newborn child" i read loking at him.
"this could be kinda hard to get im assuming" i said.
"probably- but i have an idea.." he began taking his hoodie and mask and goggles off.
"well, toby im flattered, but is now reall a good time for-" i started joking.
"oh please" he laughed.
"ok, do i look normal?" he asked me.
"yes?" i said confused.
"any blood on me?" he asked.
"just a little, ill get it." i said before pulling him into a passionate kiss.
"what was that for?" he asked
"are you complaining?" i smiled.
"n-no, just-" he started
"im just really lucky to have you." i smiled at him.
"your too good for me Ciara West." he smiled before kissing me again.
"hey, your going to need that fake ID" he said.
"umm, what fake ID?"
"we both know you have one" he smiled.
"fine, but why?" we began walking.
"i have one too, you'll see why"
he smiled at me.
~at the hospital ~
toby somehow got us in. the nurse walked is to the infirmary and gave us a moment. there was a glass wall between us and the babies.
this is so wrong..
"ok, cameras are everywhere, but no audio, if we hurry we can get out in time they'll match your face with Madison Hall, who you were while you were in the hostpital and they wont be able to trace madison to anything.."
he was rambling.
"okay, what about you?" i asked.
"they'll just get Toby Rogers" they cant trace it to anything ethier.
"okay, how are we going to get in?" i asked him.
"i got a badge from the nurse, probably wont notice for a while, but we have to wait till they bring in a new baby." he spoke softly.
"why?" i asked him.
"they would have already pricked its finger, if were lucky we can get enough blood from that." after he said that a nurse came in holding a baby in a pink blanket and set it down in a crib and left.
"ok, we have to hurry." he scanned the code on the badge and got in. i followed quickly behind him.
he went to the baby that the nurse just sat down and squeezed its finger making a drop of blood appear onthe infants skin.
she began crying.
toby started talkimg to her whild i got the blood in the vial, when we bolted for the woods.*
sorry guys i was going to make this the chapter for Ace, but i felt likr this chapter was just dragging on, it took me forever to write and is a lot longer than the other chapters. i also went back and read this book and realized how much it actually sucked and the grammar is bad and stuff doesnt make sence, and tbh i was going to delete it, but this is something that i have wanted to do for a really long time and if i delete it that would mean startinf over then getting half way through and hating it, its a vicious cycle. but i actually want to finish something that i want for myself, and i have also come to absolutely love the characters i have created, on a personal level.. tbh someyimes i forget there fake and start telling people about them like ' oh, once we went to target and bla bla bla happened and- oh wait.. that was ace and the gang.. from the book..im wtiting.' awkward. then i randomly accidently call people west, ace, carter, blaze, toby, roxy, jay, or pierce. then therer like oh, whos that. i just sit there awkwardly like oh just some made up person from a book that im totally not writing. ok, im rambling.. i should go before i start talkimg about how many cats i have preordered. anyways.. i lovd you guys so much, thank you! please, vote comment subscribe and enjoyyy!!!
(almost 2000 words :$)

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