~Wests POV. (Time skip, Wests birthday)
I sit at the table feeling awkward. Everyone was around me, singing happy birthday.
Once everyone finished the song I blow out the candles on the batman cake that expressionless made. I thank everyone. I asked for nobody to give me presents because living here was enough.. But of course, that didn't happen. Expressey got me a pair of headphones and High top converses. Ben got me a collection of different knives and weapons. Maskey and Hoodie got me a $200 gift card for hot topic. Eyeless jack got me a few pairs of yoga pants and a green day T-shirt. Jeff got me a $250 iTunes gift card. And Slendey got me a new phone number for my dads phone for me to use. He also got me into a different school.
We all sat at the table eating cake.
"So, uhh. Slendy, can I ask u something?" I asked unsure of his reaction.
"Of course, birthday girl"
"So, Umm, what does everyone think happens to Me?"
"Well, I don't know if u remember or not, but when u were about 9 years old, we took some of your dna. So we had Ben go get someone that looked remotely close to you, and switched the dna. Her face was beyond repair, so there was know way of telling if it was u." He explained
"Oh, uh, ok."
"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, just a little bit tired."I said looking up at slendy.
It was about 9:00. I wasn't really that tired, but I was really excited to go get the camera that we put in Jeff's room. We haven't really had a chance to get it yet.
"Ok West, I should get back to work, happy 13th sweety" slender said to me patting my back then walking away.
"Goodnight slendy" I say putting another piece of cake in my mouth.
When slender walked away, jeff went to the bathroom.
There was a moment of awkward silence, but I ignored it and looked at Ben and up towards Jeff's room.
He caught the drift and walked up stares.
"Ok guys, I'm going to go to bed. Thank you guys so much." I hugged Maskey, then hoodie, then Ej, then Lj, then the expressionless.
I walk up to my room and see Ben looking at my computer holding his stomach laughing.
"Oh my god, West, you've got to see this."
I walk over and sit next to Ben. We watch the video over and over.
"What the- *throws 'used' condom* WHAT THE HELL? WHO THE FUCK. WHAT THE BITCH?.. Wait, what did I say? who cares... nasty ass bitch, that's grodie!". Ben mocks mouthing jeff.
I heard a knock on the door. We both stop laughing and ben pauses the video.
I walk over to the door and open it.
"Uhh, hey west. Can we talk?" Jeff says.
"Yeah, sure. What's up?" I say moving out of the door way for him to come in.
"Uh, alone?" He says looking at Ben.
I look at Ben
"You heard the man." I say trying not to laugh. It felt weird calling jeff a man, I don't know why.
Jeff smiled.
Ben roled his eyes, closed the computer and set it on my dresser on top of some of my drawings.
"Don't forget to use a condom." Ben says before walking out of the door. He has always hated it when I'm alone with another guy. I don't even know why, sometimes he acts like a father, but when its just me and him he is a completely different person.
I shot him a 'why the hell did u say that?' Kinda look.
Jeff glares at him.
When Ben leaves, jeff closes the door and locked it.
To be honest, I kinda got worried when jeff locked the door.
We sat on my bed looking at each other.
"So um, Your 13 now, and.. Uhh, ok. I can't say this with a straight face, so here it goes. Slender man wants me to give u.. 'The talk'. He said that it would be better for me to tell u because I used to be a teenage boy and.."
"Jeff... Shhh."I said trying to shut jeff up.
"I don't want to talk about this ethier, but slendy will be pissed if your 40 and don't know how to fuck someone."
"Jeff.. Shut up" I say rolling my eyes.
Jeff lookes at me confused.
"U think I don't know these things?"
He looks even more confused.
"Uhh, kids these days are... Different than from when u were a kid. Jeff, just about every 13 year old in my school has been knocked up."
"West, I sware to god if u..."
"I didn't" I said truthfully, but kinda offended that jeff would think that.
"Good. I'll kill any guy that touches u."
I smile feeling protected.
He hugs me.
"So u do know?" He says looking at me.
I pull away from his hug.
"Trust me, I know way more than I would ever need to."
"I mean, u know the peverted funny part about it, but do u know the Science part?" Jeff said obviously blushing.
"Well, as of right now.. Your blushing, when u hugged me u didn't pull me as close to u as u usually do because u don't want my to discover your boner your hiding, so if this conversation doesn't end, I might have to drag u downstairs in a speedo for everyone to see." I say smiling at him.
"Uhh, wow, your good." He says
I smile.
"Sorry about all of.. This" he says pointing down.
"Huh, ok. What time is it?" I ask jeff.
"Erm, it is 10:00. Why?"
"I Have school tomorrow" I say looking in my dresser for some pj's.
"Oh, that sucks."
"I know, but I have to."
"Yeah, I guess."
I slip on my pj's and lay on my bed. Jeff comes in from talking to slendy.
"Ok, I told slendy that u know, so if he askes any questions, I expect u will be able to answer them." Jeff says teasingly.
"Whatever" I say rolling over towards jeff.
"Do u want me to stay in here?" He askes
"If u want to, I don't really care."
"Alright" he says sitting down next to me. "After all it is your birthday."
"Yeah, don't remind me. Wake me up when Its time to get my braces off"
We laugh.
I role over so I'm looking at him.
"U ok?" He asked.
"Yeah,.. Thank you jeff."
"What for?"
"Everything." And with that I lay my head on his chest.
"Hey West?"
"I love you."
"I love u too, dork" I say making sure its a friend to friend type of thing.
"Happy birthday" he says.
"Thank you, jeff"
And with that I pull the blankets up over me and jeff and fall asleep.
hey guys, sorry for not updating, my phone is very broken and I've been at my brothers.. So if u have any suggestions or anything, let me know:) I'm really excited for West to go to school. I hope u guys like it so far. Remember to vote, comment and enjoy

Perfect Weapon
RandomEverything is normal at the slendermancion... well, at least normal for them. slender is in his study working, and his proxies are out killing, like usual. but one of the proxies makes a mistake. Will he be banned? killed? maybe, he could become a...