(got bored..)

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Okok, I know I have mentioned how I know this book it HORRIBLE but wow.. Just all of this is a complete disaster😂 I'm just doing a time skip of 2 years, my bad if I missed anything, but I really don't feel like reading it all over again for the millionth time, but yea..
•2 year time skip (around the age 16)•
"Why don't you trust me, Toby?"
I sat in the drivers seat of my mini van I had bought with the money I earned from working at a nearby gas station, the money I stole from my dad was put in the bank for college. That really is a bad sentence. Hoping to have a successful future with money from your horrible past. Oh well it is what it is I guess.
"I do trust you, I don't trust other people or the van or anything else but you"
He was braced against the seat.
"I have my license, and I'm not a bad driver, just relax" I tried to comfort him.
"I know you are a good driver, you know why this scares me.."
I didn't say anything as I pulled into pierces driveway. 15 year old pierce walks out and greets us.
Hey thanks for coming. He said hugging me, then "man hugging" Toby.
we all walked inside and up to his room where Madison was sitting on a beanbag playing Xbox.
I sat on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed.
"Why do you have a bunk bed?" I asked pierce.
"Uhh, Maddi has been living here for a while." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ohh" I wasn't sure what to say.
"Her parents disappeared, probably to Arkansas with her aunt. They just up and left while we were at school."
"Wow" Toby sighed.
"Anyways, that leads to what we wanted to talk to you about" Madison said looking at pierce.
"Oh, uhh yea" he was shaking and his voice was trembling.
"Well, okay.. Uhh. West, I know you say you would do anything for us"
He sat down next to Madison who was now facing us.
"Well, umm.. We're uhh, kinda. Ugh I can't, I-I can't. She's pregnant okay?!" He blurted out easing his voice.
I was speechless, so was Toby."
"We need a place to stay, her parents left and my parents would disown me. We've tried hinting it around and questioning it, but every time they said they would kick us out or disown me or something like that"
"Piece, is no problem. I'll see what I can do" I smiled at piece.
We all stood up before Pierce and Madison broke down. Toby and I hugged them and supported them.
"Hey, no matter what happens, everything will be okay." I spoke softly to pierce, only making him cry harder into my shoulder.

**I KNOW I KNOW short chapter but not a lot happens accept also kinda a lot does happen, Soo. Oh snap I honestly have been planning this for SO long and just ugh, lol. Anyways sorry it was so short it's like 6am and I'm supposed to get up in Like 30 mins to get my uncle from the airport. Buttttt I am SO sorry for not uploading I have honestly just been putting it off because this book is death.😂 anyways. Lol hope you liked it and I hope I upload soon lol

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