I sat in algebra, in the very back corner away from everyone. usually Ace sat a few seats infrount of me. I'll see him tomorrow, well, I hope.
I texted Toby and he helped me with the algebra test. We actually do it a lot, how is he so good at algeber. I mean, how does he do that kind of stuff in his head?
I went through my first 3 bells, then to lunch. I told everyone not to worry or be sad about Ace because I promised them I would get him back, no matter what I had to give up.they were a bit confused, of course, who wouldn't be?.
I went through my next two classed until I got called to the office. I was expecting just to be told that my attendance was bad or something, but it was much worse.
I saw Toby standing in the office.
he kissed me quickly, not caring what the desk workers thought, neither did I. I didn't care at all what they thought.
"what's going on?" I asked him. there was panic in my voice and tears in his eyes.
he didn't say anything.
"Toby, please" my voice was sharing and tears were streaming down my face
"Your mom, she- she" he couldn't finish his sentence.
I knew what he was going to say, but I knew if I broke down, Toby would too.
"what happens?" I asked him.
"o-overdose." he looked down shaking his head whiping his eyes.
"hey, its okay. let's get out of here" I waved at the desk workers in the office and walked out of the school.
Tony was trembeling. I tried not to cry because I didn't want to make Toby any worse. we walked to the hostpital which took about 2 hours, but we didn't have a ride.
once we got there I checked us in and went into the waiting room and saw a few people and Kris and Sam. I'm assuming this is the rest of the family.
both of the kids ran up and hugged me "sissy!" they cheered.
I looked at everyone, they were all staring at me.
"they don't know, do they?" I asked. everyone shook their heads.
a tall girl with brown hair and smeared make up was looking at me with a confused look.
"s-she didn't tell you, did she?" everyone shook their heads.
"...anyways, whats happening with the kids?" I asked pilling Kris up on my lap after i sat down.
"who are you?" the tall girl asked.
"west, you?" I smiled at her.
"..Jenna" she leaned back.
"oh, CC's sister, correct?" her eyebrows raised.
"yeah.. how did u know her?" she asked. I looked at Toby who was sitting in the seat next to me playing with Sam, he seemed to calm down a bit.
he nodded "its okay, they can Handel it, thell have to Handel it." he whispered to me.
"well, I'm.. 'sissy'" I smiled.
they all still looked confused.
"well, not trying to snitch or anything, but did she tell any one she was pregnant when she was about 15?" I asked.
everyone's eyes widened.
"yes, I remember that. she said she was going to live with her boyfriend because she was pregnant and after she had the baby she would come back and let him raise it and she would visit."
"well, hello.. family."
everyone looked around in disbelieve before I got a swarm of hugs.
I have a grandma Sarah, Aunt Jenna, Aunt Carolyn, unckle Scott, unckle D (Dalton, called D)
and I have cousins. this is great, a family.
we all cried together. They accepted Toby, they actually like him. it was like a family reunion at a funeral. a mix of laughing and crying.
Aunt Jenna took me and Toby home, I told her that Kris and Sam could stay with us tonight so she can relax a bit.
we thanked each other and she drove off.
Walking through the woods was pretty interesting with Kris and Sam. Sam was an adventures boy. he definitely liked the woods. he liked the mud, climbing trees. He was a skinny, but strong. he had brown hair and brown puppy dog eyes
Kris was a shy little girl. She likes reading and drawing. She is 3 and draws really good, I mean..for a 3 year old it was really good. she had Red hair with bangs that she wore in pigtails or just a pony tail. she had black glasses that she wares sometimes. I think she already has a tumbler account and is probably internet famous.
we walked inside and Toby unlocked the door and I carried the kids bag and Kris into the house and Toby closed the door behind us.
by the time we got back home it was about 6:30.
"okay guys, what do you want to do?" Toby asked kneeling down to them.
"let's watch a movie!" Sam cheered.
"ya!" Kris picked her head up from the picture book she was reading.
"what do you want to watch?" I asked them.
"hey babe, will you check the bastment for weee-Sunflower seeds!" I smiled correcting myself so the kids wouldn't repeat the word weed. hoodie, Masky, and Ben strugle to clean up after themselves.
I walked over to the movie stand that literally had every horror movie, but no kids movies.
"okay.. Netflix has to have something." I mumbled under my breath.
"what do you guys like to watch?" I asked the kids leading them down stairs where we passed Toby.
"courage!" Kris yelled quickly.
"Sam? do u like courage?" I asked him.
"yeah, that's okay" he smiled.
I already assumed it was courage the cowardly dog. I used to watch it when I was younger.
the couch was on of the ones you could pull into a bed, so I pulled it out and put sheets and blankets on it as Toby played with the kids. I definitely want this some day..
the kids jumped onto the bed and got comfortable while I pulled up Netflix.
Toby was laying in the bed playing and tickeling the kids. right after I finished it I was pucked up and set on the bed and attacked with tickles and kisses.
"S-Stop" i trys saying but was covered by laughing.
"okay, okay, let her breath." Toby laughed and stopped tickeling me. he still had my pinned down, he was sitting over me.
"popcorn?" he looked at me and chuckling a but and getting up.
"unckle Toby is fun!" Sam said.
Uncle Toby
I smiled a but.
"yes, he is very fun" I laughed and layed on the bed with the kids.
a few minutes later Toby came downstairs with a bowl of popcorn.
"they need to make waffel flavored popcorn" he said eating a hand full.
I smiled and shook my head.
Toby layed down on the other side of the bed with the kids in between us.
"where's mommy?" Kris looked up at me.
I looked at Toby.
"mommy wasn't feeling good, so she took some medicine, but she accidentally took too much medicine."
Sam looked at me.
"like the medicine that we take when were sick? that helps us sleep?"
"yeah, kinda like that." I weakly smiles because I knew he understood.
"when will she wake up?" Kris asked.
Sam looked at her.
"She's going to be sleeping for a really long time, Kris" his voice cracked on the verge of tears.
the kids were hugging and crying. it made me tear up, I never knew my mom when I was their age, I can't imagine to loose a mother at such a young age.
the kids saw me crying and they hugged me. I felt a set of arms wrapped around me and both of the kids.
I smiled and burried my face in his shoulder.
after a few minutes of crying, we ate popcorn and watched TV before we all fell asleep.

Perfect Weapon
RandomEverything is normal at the slendermancion... well, at least normal for them. slender is in his study working, and his proxies are out killing, like usual. but one of the proxies makes a mistake. Will he be banned? killed? maybe, he could become a...